The breakup (All)

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Lately it seemed like you and Ashton didn’t have any time for each other. Both of you knew but didn’t want to admit it you guys were sitting on the couch together for the first time in months. It was full of tension after not talking that much you just wanted it to be over even though you knew were the conversation would most likely end up. “Hey” you decided it was better to get it over with “hi” more silence filled the room neither of you wanting to say what had to be said. “When did we get like this” Ashton asked you laughed nervously “I don’t know remember when we couldn’t shut up and made everybody mad” you and Ashton laughed at the memory “I’m really sorry, Y/N” “for what” “not being there for you” “I’m sorry, too” you both smiled at each other “I guess this is goodbye?” Ashton asked “I guess so” you wiped a tear from your eye. Ashton hugged you “we could stay in touch” he asked “yeah I’d like that” you smiled “bye Y/N” “bye Ash.” You guys did keep in touch and occasionally hung out with friends together that was pretty much the extent of it. 


For a while now you no longer felt anything with Calum as much as you hated having to admit that to yourself you knew you had to break it off. “Hey Calum can we talk” “sure babe” that was almost enough to bring you to tears “are you ok” Calum asked after seeing you tense up a little “I don’t feel the same around you anymore” and you were crying now “I’m sorry” Calum hugged you “hey it’s ok feelings change” well he took that better than you thought he would “I mean to be honest I don’t feel the same either” you were kind of relieved knowing it wasn’t just you but it still hurt knowing the two of you grew apart. “So what are we then” you asked “I guess we always were better being just friends I mean if you want to go back to that” “yeah” you smiled knowing you would still get to be friends with him. “Wanna lose a game of Fifa” he asked “oh you’re going down.” You stayed friends and both of you were happy being just friends.


"Hey can you pass me my drink" "why can’t you get it yourself" "please Luke it’s right next to you"  "here" "what’s wrong with you" "nothing I would just enjoy some peace and quiet if you think you can do that" "I can’t take this anymore" "take what" he growled at you "look at us we can’t even be in the same room for more than five minutes without arguing" he sighed "what happened to us" "I guess we both just got really selfish" he stood up and hugged you "I’m going to miss you, Y/N" "I’ll miss you too, Luke" you both leaned in for one last kiss "bye Luke" "bye Y/N." You got in your car and started crying Luke knew you for long enough he knew exactly what was going on he thought about making sure you were ok but knew that wouldn’t really help the break up. You guys occasionally text each other now and then but that was it.


You woke up and seen a note pad next to you 

" Dear Y/N, 

  We both know how bad I am at expressing my feelings so I thought this would be easier for both of us. I know I haven’t been there for you when you need me and I’m sorry for that I wish I could take all the pain I’ve caused you away but sadly I can’t. I don’t think it’s fair for me to put you second to everything in my life when it’s obvious you put me first I know you deserve better and you can do a lot better than some punk wannabe who puts you last. I’ll never forget you or the memories we shared those were some of my best memories like the time we went to the park and I fell off the swing thanks to a certain someone damn you Ketchup. Anyway I’m getting off topic I guess what I’m trying to say is this is it i can’t hurt you anymore than I already have and I know you’re too kindhearted to make me leave so I left I did leave your favorite shirt though so you can still sleep in that or burn it or whatever it’s yours now. You know my number and the guys if you ever need anything we’ll be there for you. Goodbye  actually no I’m not saying goodbye because that means forever later.

- I love you, Y/N never forget that”

Your tears were on the majority of the paper but he hadn’t always been there when he needed to be and it did hurt you but you still couldn’t get over the fact he was gone. You went and got his shirt and put it on and laid with it and the letter for a few hours when your phone rang it was a text from him “I love you please don’t forget that” you text him back and tried to keep your mind off of him which was hard to do when you were wearing his shirt that smelled just like him but you tortured yourself with it anyway.

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