Baby Irwin (Ashton)

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Plot:Ashton finds out you're pregnant 

Imagine:You looked at the stick with the plus sign on it how am I going to tell Ashton you wondered. You threw the stick away and went on with your day trying to let in sink in that you had a little Irwin growing inside of you. Aston noticed you were giggling to yourself “what are you laughing at babe” he asked laughing with you. “Well you see when a man and woman love eachother-” “wait are you giving me the sex talk” he asked not understanding what you were getting at. “Ashton I’m pregnant” he stood there a bit in shock before he picked you up and twirled you around. “I’m going to be a dad” he smiled “oh thank goodness I thought I was going to be the father” you smirked he laughed “c’mere you two” You smiled and cuddled with him.

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