Long way home

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You had just picked Ashton up from the airport and he was jet lagged. It was always fun being around Ashton when he was hyper because you never knew what he was going to say or want to do next. "Do you wanna just ride around?" "At 2 in the morning?" You laughed Ashton nodded and smiled. He looked as excited as a kid getting a present. You obviously couldn't say no to that. "Hey, Ash, will you turn some music on?" Ashton started playing random songs on his phone. There was nothing you loved more than riding with Ashton cause you learned more and more about his music taste from heavy metal to rap. At about 4 he started nodding off he tried to fight it so bad not wanting you to drive home alone at night. "Ashton, go ahead and sleep I'll be fine" he smiled at you "ok" You laughed to yourself and drove an extremely tired Ashton home.


You and Calum didn't really get a chance to do stuff together a lot. He came home early for a few weeks and unfortunately it was going by rather quick. "Hey, you wanna go ride around for a while?" You thought about how when you first started dating that was all the two of you would ever do together. "I'd love to" Calum smiled knowing what you were thinking about. Calum turned the radio on and put his arm around you. Calum started singing after a few minutes of him encouraging you to sing with him you started singing with him. The next time you looked at the clock it was 10. "Have we really been riding for 3 hours" "you say that like its a bad thing" You both laughed "No I just lost track of time" "you're welcome." "You say that like it's a good thing" "Oh so you didn't enjoy it?" "Ehh I've had better" Calum speed up once you got on a dirt road. A few minutes later your hair was all over the place and you were high on adrenaline. "How was that?" "ok that may have been a little better" Calum smirked "mhhm" "mhhm" you mimicked him.


It was yours and Luke's 2nd wedding anniversary and he said he wanted to show you something. You got in the car with Luke and you were really excited. An hour after riding you looked at Luke and seen him biting his lip indicating he was nervous. "What's wrong" "hmm oh nothing why?" "You're biting your lip" Luke sighed "ok I lost the directions and I got us lost." He seemed so disappointed in himself you had to resist saying aw. "It's ok, Luke I'm fine with driving around for a while" "a-are you sure" "Yea anytime I get to spend time with you is always fun" Luke kissed your cheek and started driving in the opposite direction. Thirty minutes later Luke found his initial route. He pulled up to a little park with a light path leading to a picnic. You gasped when you and Luke started walking to it "Luke, it's beautiful" "you really think so?" "yea, I love it." "The whole getting lost thing was part of the plan by the way" you laughed "Of course it was, babe." "You could've went with it you know?" You laughed "Sorry" "oh you're going to be sorry" he smirked and started tickling you. "L-luke please s-stop" "are you truly sorry now?" You smirked "no" Luke started tickling you harder which you didn't know was possible. "O-ok I'm s-s-sorry"


"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TURN BACK THERE" "I KNOW THIS PLACE LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND" "YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT KNOW YOUR HAND VERY GOOD." You and Michael were supposed to be at a wedding 2 hours ago, but y'all got lost. "Forget this" Michael said under his breath and turned down a dirt road. "What are you doing?" "We're already two hours late and we're both stressed so let's just forget the wedding." You hated missing the wedding but you rather spend time with Michael. An hour later Michael pulled up close to an abandoned field. "How'd you find this place" "I told you I know this place like the back of my hand." Michael smiled and opened your door for you "m'lady" you laughed a little an took his hand. "Thank you" he laid down on a grass patch. You looked at him and the grass "Babe, we can wash the dress." You sighed an laid down next to him. Michael wrapped his arms around you and sighed contently "I love you" he whispered in your ear sending a chill up your spine. "I love you, too." You whispered not wanting to ruin the moment.

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