Coffee shop rush

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Your class started later than Ashton’s studio session so you weren’t in that big of a rush.  Ashton insisted on getting coffee together since you barely seen each other anymore. Ashton stood in line while you got a table. Ten minutes later Ashton was still in line. You looked at your watch and laughed to yourself knowing he was going to be late. Lucky for him he was hardly ever late and the guys were ok with being a few minutes late. The sound of coffee hitting the table brought you back to reality. Unfortunately Ashton set the coffee on the table a little too hard. You watched in what felt like slow motion as some of the coffee came up in the air and burned your arm. You hissed in pain as Ashton repeated sorry at least  a million times. He got some paper towels and helped you clean up “Again babe, I’m sorry.” You laughed at how apologetic he was “I’m fine, Ash, really.” “Are you sure.” “I’ve had worse things happen than being burnt by coffee.” After that day Ashton never insisted on going somewhere before an early day at the studio.


Calum wasn’t much of a morning person but coffee always seemed to perk him up. It was kind of a tradition for the two of you to get coffee together, so today was no exception. There wasn’t many people there so you and Calum were playing around and enjoying the time together. Suddenly Calum got a text he frowned “The guys want me to be at the studio in 10 minutes, I’m so sorry Y/N” “Hey it’s fine I’ve got classes this morning anyway. He smiled grateful that you weren’t mad at him. It was obvious Calum wouldn’t make it to the studio in time. This caused him to drive a lot faster. This caused some of the coffee to come out of the cup. It just so happened that you were close enough to have coffee on your lap. You winced in pain Calum looked over and seen what had happened. “Shit babe, I’m so sorry. There should be some napkins in the glove compartment.” You opened it and thankfully there were some. You cleaned yourself up and sighed knowing this could cause you to be late, too. Calum apologized again “It’s fine I’ll live through it.” You and Calum kept the tradition and Calum made sure to drive reasonably.


You had about thirty minutes before you had to be in class. Luke being Luke decided to go to a coffee shop and sit around even though he had in a studio session in an hour. Luckily the place was pretty empty but the workers were really slow. What felt like an eternity later they were finally finished with the drinks. Luke went up to get them and came back. When he was walking back he tripped causing coffee to go everywhere. “Oh my god are you ok?” “Yeah, I think I have some extra clothes in you car.” Luke got you the extra clothes while you were changing he also got you another coffee. Surprisingly you made it to your classes just before the teacher did. 


You and Michael were really bad at procrastinating things and being late in general. Today you were determined to be early to your classes. Michael seen how much effort you were putting in this and tried to hurry as much as he could. Michael insisted on taking both of the coffees so you let him. He was walking behind you when he lost his balance. Luckily only a cup of coffee went in the air unfortunately most of it went on you. Michael looked away when the coffee landed on you “Y/N I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened.” “Well I guess I can’t go to my classes like this.” “And I can’t leave you home alone when you’re severely burned. Michael smirked you laughed at your dork of a boyfriend. Michael called the guys and told them he couldn’t make it you were hurt. So the day was spent playing video games and eating as much junk food and pizza as possible.

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