Insecurity (All)

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You were sitting home alone bored while Ashton was at the studio you decided to go through your mentions even though Ashton repeatedly told you not to you didn’t see why the 5sosfam was nice that was until you finally started reading the tweets you wondered how anybody could say so many rude things about somebody they didn’t even know. Ashton came home from the studio and started calling your name you were so into the tweets you didn’t hear him until your phone was taken out of your hand you hadn’t realized you were crying until Ashton wiped the tears away “they’re wrong, babe” you sniffled again which triggered more tears Ashton laid down next to you, you laid you head on his chest. Ashton started making funny faces at you until you were crying with laughter and forget about the tweets he started making corny jokes hearing your laughter made him laugh before long you were both laughing at nothing.


You were normally pretty confident about your body but today you felt a little hateful towards your body Calum could tell something was wrong “are you ok, Y/N” you sighed he sat next to you and moved some of your hair out of your face “what’s wrong?” You told him how you felt even though he didn’t agree he tried to let you talk without interrupting “you know I would never change anything about you or your body” “you have to say that you’re my boyfriend” “I don’t have to say anything I honestly wouldn’t change anything about you” he fixed it so you were on his lap “I love you the way you are plus I can do this” before you could react he lightly pinched your thigh “CALUM” he smirked “what I could have done something worse” you rolled your eyes typical Calum but you decided to play along with him. “Like what” he was shocked at first but he wasted no time getting to the point “I’ll show you.”


You had just got out of the shower when you walked by the mirror and seen your reflection you couldn’t help but walk closer to it and stare at yourself as you silently criticized every part of your body. You started pinching your fat hoping it would disappear you didn’t notice Luke was in the room with you until he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you “you know what I see” you shook your head “I see a beautiful curvy woman that I’m lucky enough to call mine” you looked back at him “really” “yeah I love your body, Y/N.” You looked back at the mirror trying to see this beautiful woman Luke had just described “hey look at me” you looked back at him “hm” “don’t think badly of yourself we all have little things about ourselves we want to change” you kissed him “don’t change your lips” he laughed “ohh you like them” he wiggled his eyebrows “don’t ruin it, Hemmings” he scoffed “how rude” you both laughed after that day you started trying to see yourself the way Luke did.


Michael was shocked when he woke up that you were still in bed normally you would get up first and watch tv or something until he woke up. After reading the newest article about your weight you didn’t feel like watching tv when you were younger people would always say something about your weight and it stuck around for a while Michael helped you with your negative feelings but reading the article triggered all the negative thoughts you had about yourself. “Hey babe are you ok” Michael asked with sleep laced in his voice you handed him the magazine he became fully awake after reading the rude things they said about you he ripped the magazine and cuddled with you “I love your curves, Y/N” “you’re just saying that” “no I’m not they have no right saying those things about you” He ranted a little more about how wrong they were but that’s what you loved about Michael he would always stand up for you and call people out on their crap. Which is exactly what he did he got on twitter and called the magazine company out which caused the 5sosfam to call them out too the magazine company apologized and left you and Michael alone.

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