Meeting your parents (All)

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Y/L/N- your last name Y/M/N- your mom’s name Y/D/N- your dad’s name 

Ashton Your parents asked you to get a few things so you and Ashton were at the store “does your mom like candles” you laughed “what” “does your mom like vanilla candles” “I don’t know” you tried to hold in a giggle but failed. All day Ashton had been asking the randomest questions about your parents “you do realize you’re dating me not my parents right?” Ashton laughed “yes babe I’m just trying to make a good first impression” he kissed your cheek. “That probably won’t be a good first impression “right what else did we need?” You guys finished getting what you needed and finally made it to your parents house “Y/N how are you?” Your mom hugged you “I’m good” “and who is this handsome guy” your dad coughed you all laughed “this is Ashton” “nice to meet you Mrs. Y/L/N Mr. Y/L/N” your parents really liked Ashton and Ashton liked your parents. 

Calum Calum was quieter than normal you lightly poked him “you ok” “yeah just a little nervous” you rubbed his back “you look good” “me have you seen yourself” you laughed “have you seen yourself” you mocked him as he smiled. “Are you ready” you asked as you pulled into the driveway “no” you gently squeezed his hand. You knocked on the door and were instantly greeted by your parents “Hi I’m Y/D/N” “Calum nice to meet you both” “are you going to let them in” your mom asked your dad “hmm no” you all laughed “come in” “I’m sorry about him” your mom apologized to Calum. Calum laughed “it’s fine” everybody was extremely relaxed and it felt like this was a normal thing. It made you really happy to see your boyfriend get along so well with your parents. 

Luke “What if they don’t like me” Luke asked as you fixed his tie “they will babe” “how can you be so sure” “Luke they love me and want to see me happy and you make me happy it’ll work out I promise” “ok” he leaned his head on your shoulder “you’ll be fine” Luke smiled at you “thank you.” Just then the doorbell rang “would you get it while I get the food ready” “sure.” Luke opened the door your mom hugged him immediately Luke was shocked at first but hugged her back “I’m Y/M/N” “Luke nice to meet you” “And I’m Y/D/N” they shook hands “come in” “this is a nice place” you heard your dad tell Luke and smiled seeing them get along. The night went wonderful and everybody had a good time. 


“Are you ready” “yes” Michael replied although deep down inside he was freaking out of course he would never admit that. You figured he would be nervous but you were surprised at how good he was hiding it. You walked into your old home that held so many memories “mom! Dad!” They both came up and hugged you and introduced themselves to Michael “are you guys hungry we weren’t sure how much to make” you all sat down as michael sat down next to you, you could feel him get tense you put a hand on his leg to try and calm him down to your relief it seemed to he smiled at you and tried to join in the conversation. Everything went well that night and Michael eventually loosened up and had a good time.

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