Exams and cuddles

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Plot: You have anxiety and it’s around finals time in college and he calms you down 

Imagine: You were trying to study but you were thinking of everything that could go wrong instead. You started shaking really bad and you could feel an anxiety attack coming on when Luke walked in and seen the books spread everywhere and realized what was going on he sat down next to you and and gently lifted you onto his lap and started rubbing your back. “Look at me it’s going to be ok. You’re smarter than me and the guys combined” you giggled which made Luke smile. “I’m still kind of stressed” “Don’t be when you get done the exam is going to be scared of you” he tapped your nose as you rolled your eyes. Your stomach growled “I haven’t eaten all day” you gasped “I could make something for you” Luke offered “really?” “Yeah plus you could use a break” “CHEF LUKE IN DA HOUSE” you bust out laughing completely forgetting about the stress of exams. Luke did everything he could to keep you laughing while making your favorite food. “Thank you, Luke” “you’re welcome, Y/N” “I better go finish studying” “oh no you don’t” he grabbed your wrist “We are watching a movie” “but Lu-” “babe you’re still stressed an I haven’t seen you much lately” “ok.” He kept you as close as he could through the while movie occasionally playing with your hair.

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