Finally together (Ashton)

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Plot: You and Ashton have been dating and finally tell the fans

Imagine:"Stop worrying they’ll love you babe" Ashton whispered to you and held your hand. "B-but what if they hate me" "they won’t hell they may even love you more than me" you giggled. "Hey guys" Ashton said as he started the live stream. "Y/N and I have an announcement" within seconds comment flooded in asking if you were pregnant. "No guys I’m not pregnant…that I know of"you smirked. Ashton laughed "well I guess you guys already know me and this beautiful one are dating then" just then Michael came in and sat next to Ashton "you finally admitted Mashton is real" you and Ashton laughed "not you me and Ashton" "stop lying to yourself Y/N" "what I’m not lying to anyone" you said and him with a pillow. "Fine fine I’ll leave just be quiet you crazy lovebirds" you blushed a bit. You looked at the comments "OMG the ship is cannon" "finally" "aww Ashton and Y/N are a cute couple." You and Ashton joked around some more and ended the live stream. "I told you they’d love you" Ashton said moving a piece of your hair. "Thank god now my nightmare of being shark bait shouldn’t come true" Ashton smiled at you and you guys kissed. You then spent the rest of the night cuddling…or something else it’s up to you.

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