Stargazing (Ashton)

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You were really close friends with Luke but you didn't really care for Ashton well that was a lie you actually kind of liked him but he was rude to you but it was only you that he was like that towards however you went with it for Luke's sake. You were having a really bad day so after the sun went down you went to your favorite park and laid down to stargaze you never really knew why you liked stargazing so much but it had a calming effect on you. You were enjoying the fresh air until you heard footsteps "Y/N is that you" you heard the familiar voice of Ashton but why was he here nobody every came to this park you sighed and sat up knowing you were going to have to face his insults. "Hi" your voice came out as more of a whisper "what are you doing out here" "I was having a bad day and whenever I have a bad day I come here at night to stargaze" you had no idea why you were telling him all of this knowing he would just make fun of you for it. "Oh what happened" he sat down next to you and genuinely seemed interested what happened to the Ashton who made fun of you, you really needed to talk to someone for your sanity you told Ashton all about your day. After telling him about your day you actually felt better he looked deep in thought you playfully pushed him as he jokingly glared back at you "what are you so deep in though about hmm" you said it jokingly but secretly wanted to know "I'm sorry" "for what" "the way I've treated you in the past I'm not really good with handling my emotions and I've kind of liked you since day 1 but I never knew how to deal with it so I made fun of you" hearing that made you melt and knowing he didn't actually hate you and liked you back made your heart skip a beat. You could tell he was nervous just as he started mumbling you kissed him you didn't know what came over you but you were glad you did. He was shocked at first thinking you were out of his league but he wasted no time in kissing you back that night was the start of a beautiful relationship between the two of you.

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