Insults and pillow fights

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Plot:Calum accidentally insults you 

Imagine: Calum and Michael were playing video games together while you were laying in bed reading a book you got thirsty and walked in the kitchen when you heard them talking. You knew eavesdropping was never a good thing but what could go wrong? “How’s Y/N?” “Good, she’s just so clingy all the time” Michael laughed “man clingy girlfriends are the worst” before you could stop it the glass fell to the floor and shattered the guys realized you heard. “Shit” Calum mumbled you ran back to the room before Calum could say anything he walked behind you and sighed before he opened the door. “I didn’t mean it like that” “there’s only one way for a person to be clingy” Calum felt bad for what he said he really didn’t mean to say it. He sat on the bed next to you as you looked the other way and sighed. “I really am sorry it just slipped out” “well next time can you tell me if I’m bothering you instead of the guys” “yeah I really didn’t mean you’re clingy you’re like the perfect mix of clingy and unclingy” you both laughed “that’s not even a word” you threw a pillow at him. Michael walked by and Calum threw a pillow at him “no fair it’s two against one” Michael whined. For the next hour the three of you had a huge pillow fight that ended with a tie according to the guys but it was obvious you won.

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