After the breakup

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Ashton had a week off and was excited to do nothing for a full week. He laid down to rest and eventually fell asleep. “I love you, Ashton” “I love you too, Y/N.” Ashton woke up kissing his pillow he figured he was so tired that it didn’t really mean anything. A couple dreams later and he gave up on sleeping and tried watching tv. Of course the first thing that came up was a couple breaking up. He sighed and finally gave in to the thoughts of you and all the memories he had. He smiled to himself and went through the pictures he had of the two of you and you by yourself. He laughed at the ones of you that he took without you knowing. He thought back to all the time you spent together and how happy you both were. Ashton realized a lot of his happiest moments where with you. You still talked a lot but Ashton realized he needed you. After a lot of arguing with himself his fingers dialed your number. “Uhh hi” he laughed nervously “I’ve been thinking a lot and um d-do you wanna be my girlfriend again?” Those were the words you had been hoping to hear after day one. “Yes” “really?!” You could practically hear the excitement in his voice “really.”


It has been a little over a year since the breakup. You and Calum seemed closer than ever and that’s what hurt you the most. You and Calum were playing video games “VICTORY IS MINE!” You cheered Calum laughed seeing you dance around. Somehow his hand lightly brushed against yours. As much as you hated to admit it you felt sparks like you did when you first started dating. Calum seemed completely oblivious but he was feeling the same things you were. He wanted to see if you felt the same but he didn’t want to risk the friendship. “Hey what was that dance?” You blushed and showed him how to do it. He got as close to you as he could when he seen you blush he smirked to himself. He twirled you around and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss “Just friends?” Calum smirked “it’s not possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends.” “You knew this would happen didn’t you?” “Yep” he smirked proud of himself you rolled your eyes and kissed him.


The guys were doing an interview everything was going great the guys were being their goofy selves.  ”So Luke, how’s Y/N?” Luke felt a pain in his chest this was the first time talking about you since the breakup. He made it a point to stay busy so he wouldn’t have to think about what happened. But the question was unavoidable “We uh broke up” the guys knew how hard it was on him. Ashton gave him a sympathetic smile as the interviewer tried to make it less awkward. Luke didn’t remember anything after that. His thoughts were all on you this was the whole reason he kept himself busy. It had been 2 months since the breakup Luke finally had enough of the flashbacks and painful memories and decided to call you. “Luke?” You asked in disbelief the thought of getting back together made your heart flutter. He smiled hearing your voice for the first time in two months “Hey I-uh how are you?” “I’m good.” “That’s good.” “Yeah” “Y/N, listen I’m miserable without you and I know I didn’t treat you right. I was really stressed at the time and that’s a horrible excuse I know but can we start over?” You could hear his voice crack at the end. Luke Hemmings was almost in tears asking you to date him, again. “Yeah, I’d love that.” Luke smiled “Me too.” 


You tried to get on with your life like nothing had happened. But it was difficult you managed, barely but you managed. It had been 6 months and you still hadn’t moved on you still wondered about him. You wondered if he was thinking the same thing you were but why would he, he was the one who broke up with you. So he wasn’t always there when you needed him but he cared deeply. A phone ringing brought you out of your thoughts. You answered it without looking at the caller I.D “Hello?” “Uh hi” your jaw dropped you could recognize that voice anywhere. “Michael?! Hey how are you?” “About that I was wrong I do need you. I’m so sorry I haven’t been there for you but I can be better I’m a better man thanks to you.” “Is this your crazy way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” He laughed “so does that mean yes?” “Obviously” you rolled your eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes at me” “how did you-” “Look outside” you looked out your window and seen Michael. You ran down to meet him as he picked to up and hugged you. He was already being more romantic than he was your whole relationship it was evident how much he truly did love you.

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