He forgets your anniversary (All)

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It was 7:59 Ashton was supposed to meet you at the restaurant were you first met at 8 you hadn’t heard anything from him but you decided to give him some time incase he was running late or had a surprise. Thirty minutes later you still hadn’t heard anything you knew how bad the traffic could get so you decided to wait a little longer. An hour had past as the waitress gave you a sympathetic smile “I talked to my manager you can have your meal for free” you thanked her and ordered your food. You text Ashton to make sure he was ok but he never replied you walked out of the restaurant embarrassed you went home and got in some comfy clothes. It was now 11 and you were tired but you wanted to stay awake and make sure Ashton was ok after none of the guys responded to your texts either at this point you were forcing yourself to stay awake when finally to your relief the door opened. “Ashton, are you ok” “yeah why” did he really forget? No he couldn’t have…could he? “Did you really forget about tonight” “what are you talking about” “Ashton we’ve been planning this night for months” you raised your voice a little hurt that he had forgotten “have you even looked at the date?” He looked on his phone and gasped “it’s our anniversary Y/N I’m so sorry” you sighed and went to bed. The next night Ashton made a candlelit dinner and apologized repeatedly as much as it got on your nerves you were glad to know he truly was sorry.


Calum was normally really quiet with a lot of people but you were one of the ones he would open up to a lot. So you were surprised he hadn’t talked to you that much the morning of your anniversary thinking it was just Calum being Calum you went on with your day. Later that evening you went on twitter and saw where some of the fans sent you happy anniversary tweets you thanked some of them and noticed Calum hadn’t tweeted all day. You went to check on him you knocked on the door but didn’t get a response so you went in and seen him really upset “hey what’s wrong” you asked and sat down next to him and started rubbing his back “I forgot about today” “it’s ok Calum” “no it’s not a year ago today was one of the most important days of my life and I forgot it” “it’s ok we’ll have more anniversaries” “you aren’t mad” “of course not just getting to see you on our anniversary is enough for me.” He smiled “we could watch a move together if you want” he asked as an excuse to touch you as much as he could you knew but went along with it so he wouldn’t be upset. By the end of the movie you were both asleep on the other one watching movies and cuddling became an anniversary tradition for the two of you.


Luke hadn’t said anything about your anniversary so you were hoping he was going to surprise you. He came home and dressed up like he was going back out again “Hey Luke” “hmm” “where are you going” “out with the guys” “oh have fun.” You laid on your bed as you realized Luke had forgotten about your anniversary you got the ice cream out of the freezer and turned Netflix on and ignored the real world for a while. Luke was playing games with the guys when Ashton paused the game “Luke isn’t today yours and Y/N’s anniversary” Luke thought about it for a while and thought about how happy you had seemed lately until he left “OH MY GOD IT IS!” He went back home and seen you asleep with the empty ice cream tub next to you and felt really bad the next morning he made breakfast and brought it to you in bed “babe baaaabe” “what Luke” “I made you breakfast” you opened your eyes and thanked him. Silence filled the room “I’m sorry, Y/N” he laid his head on your shoulder you sighed “luckily you’re a good cook so I forgive you” he smiled and kissed you relieved to have everything worked out.


Michael was working hard at the studio while you got supper ready and got in a skin tight dress. A couple of hours later Michael walked in and saw you “whoa what’s the occasion” your heart dropped a little “please tell me your kidding” Michael tried to think of what it could be when it finally hit him “oh my god babe I’m so sorry” you sighed “let’s just eat.” The only sound was the forks hitting the plates “Y/N I really am sorry” “it’s ok I know your busy” he put a hand on your thigh and smiled “forgive me?” “Y-yeah I forgive you” “tonight isn’t completely ruined is it” he asked with a smirk “why don’t we find out?” The night ended up being better than you had imagined even if Michael had forgotten at first that would be a night he would never forget.

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