Studying (All)

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You were doing what you do best procrastinating so when Ashton walked in all of your attention was on him. You jumped in his arms “what’s this about” he smirked as you shrugged innocently unfortunately Ashton knew what you were doing so he lead you on for a bit. “You know the sooner you finish studying the sooner we can have some fun” you sighed “but you’re more interesting” he laughed “I know babe but you need to do it” “help me” you asked with the saddest face you could make “you know I can’t say no to that.” Studying with Ashton was a lot more fun than you thought it would be or maybe it’s what came after you enjoyed the most.


You had just started studying when Calum walked in “let’s go do something” you laughed “I just started studying” “so stop it’s simple as that” he smirked “I really want to but I need to study” he nodded and went to play video games. An hour later he came back “shouldn’t you take a break” you knew he wouldn’t stop so you agreed “ok what do you want to do” “movie?” A few minutes into the movie and he had already started a popcorn fight he wasn’t looking so you threw a piece right at his head “oh that’s it” he picked you up as you screamed and started laughing again he put you on the bed and started taking the pillows and covers off “what do I have to make the fort myself” he asked as he noticed your confused expression. You rolled your eyes and started helping him a few minutes later you were both laying under the pillow fort enjoying the presence of the other one.


You had a really big exam in a week you had started preparing a month in advance Luke seen how much you had been studying and was worried about you. He knocked on the door so he wouldn’t scare you when he walked in “hey babe” “hmm” “don’t you think you may be studying a little too much” you sighed “I guess it’s a really important exam though” he tucked a piece of hair behind you ear “and you’ll do wonderful you’ve been studying for over a month I don’t think there is anything else you can learn” you laughed “ok ok I’ll take a break” he smiled “good cause I just made food.” You remembered you hadn’t eaten anything all day “oh thank god I love you” “you only love me for my cooking ability” you laughed “your coffee making skills are pretty good too” he rolled his eyes as you kissed him. The next day you had managed to talk Luke into helping you study the rest of the week you weren’t sure how you got him too but he did and you passed in the end.


Michael had been at the studio a lot the past week he finally came home early one day while you were studying. He stood behind you “whatcha doin” “studying” “oh” he knew how important this was for you but he wanted to spend time with you after not seeing much of you for a week. Ten minutes later Michael was back in the room he poked your face “are you almost done” “no, sorry babe” you gave him a sympathetic smile. An hour later you felt bad about not spending any time with him you walked into the bedroom and seen Michael asleep you smiled to yourself and laid down next to him he felt the bed move and woke up “hey” it was obvious he was still really tired he tried to hide it but failed “hey” you smiled at him “wanna watch a movie” he asked desperately wanting to spend time with you. Ten minutes into the movie and he had his head on your lap as you ran your fingers through his colorful hair he fell asleep again you watched him sleep for a few seconds before turning the movie off and studying some more.

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