Distant (Luke)

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When you noticed how distant Luke had become you got kind of scared. You decided to try and get him to be less distant but how? You thought about it for a while and decided to make supper and dress up a little more than normal. A few hours later you were finally done cooking you smiled to yourself and went to get ready. It was 7:12 when you finally got done with everything, now to play the waiting game. You sighed as the hours ticked by. At 10 you blew out the candles and rewarmed your food. You ate in silence as the time went by tick by boring tick. You heard the door open and close part of you was relieved he was home the other part was hurt. “Hey babe” “hi” “is something wrong?” “Is something wrong?” you laughed “you’ve been nothing but distant with me lately. I made supper and dressed up just for you, and you don’t even come home until midnight.” “I never said I would be home early.” “THATS NOT THE POINT LUKE” “THEN WHAT IS THE POINT Y/N” “you keep distancing yourself from me and it hurts” you whispered as you felt the tears making there way down. You went to the bedroom and cried for what felt like hours. An hour later you heard a knock on the door you laid there motionless knowing Luke would come in anyway. “Hey you were right I’m sorry” you turned to face Luke. He looked in your eyes “I’m sorry” “you’ve been a jerk” you smiled and poked his cheek. He laughed “I know and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you” “I guess you’re forgiven.” He laughed “Thank you” he bowed making you laugh. “I got you something” he said excitement in his voice “oh so you were going to bribe me?” You asked as you followed Luke downstairs. He stopped immediately almost causing you to walk into him. “N-no I would never bribe you, Y/N” you laughed “I was kidding, babe” When you got downstairs Luke insisted on you closing your eyes. You closed you eyes and heard Luke cuss under his breath along with a lot of stuff falling. You tried not to laugh but failed “ok forget that open your eyes. You opened your eyes and seen Luke holding your favorite icecream your eyes lit up instantly. Luke laughed and got a spoon “wanna watch a movie?” Luke asked with the spoon in his mouth. You laughed and nodded Luke ran upstairs with you following him he put the movie in and sat next to you. When the previews came on Luke opened the icecream he put some on the spoon and made an airplane sound. You laughed at his goofiness and ate the icecream. He ate some and got more for you “Eww your mouth was on that” you said playfully Luke laughed and ate more. By the time the movie started the icecream was gone. Halfway through the movie Luke started getting tired he put his head on your lap you started playing with his hair out of habit. A few minutes later you heard him snoring lightly now to find a comfortable way to sleep without waking him up.

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