How he wakes you up

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Ash seen you were still asleep so he decided to make breakfast for you. He had seen you make pancakes before so he thought he would try it himself. Five minutes later the smoke alarm was going off he cursed under his breath and put the dishes in the sink. You woke up to the smell of burnt food after hearing Ashton curse you laughed to yourself. You walked into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him “what are you doing” “I wanted to make you breakfast” he pouted. “It’s ok we can go get breakfast” “It’s not as special” “Ashton whenever I’m with you it’s special.” He kissed you “I love you” “I love you, too.”


It seemed like you and Calum unintentionally took turns waking up first. You woke up first and watched him sleep for a few minutes. When Calum woke up he seen you watching him “like what you see?” He asked smirking so you decided to play along “eh I’ve seen better” “your dreams of me don’t count” “what makes you think they’re about you?” You both started laughing “I love you” “I might love you, too” you smirked causing him to playfully glare at you. You laughed “I love you, too.” He wrapped his arm around you “How much do you love me” “a lot why” “will you make breakfast please?” You batted your eyes he laughed “you’re too cute for your own good.” In the end you both ended up making breakfast together.


Luke woke up and smiled when he seen you next to him. He watched you sleep for a few seconds. After debating on whether or not to wake you up he finally decided to. He kissed your nose causing you to crinkle it and open your eyes. “Morning, babe.” You smiled “Morning.” You buried your face in his chest avoiding the sun. He laughed and pulled the covers over both of you. “Better?” you laughed “Much.” A few seconds later he yawned and you poked his cheek. He playfully glared at you “I know you didn’t just do that” “buut I did” “Oh that’s it” He started tickling you before you could react. You begged for mercy but it didn’t work. You started tickling him back causing him to fall on the floor. You started laughing until you were pulled onto the floor with him.


You were used to being awake before Michael. When you woke up you were surprised to see he was awake before you. Michael seen the confusion on your face and laughed “Don’t get used to it. I’m jet lagged” he smirked. You laughed and got closer to him. Michael held you close and started playing with your hair. “I’ve missed this and you” you smiled and kissed him “so have I.” You put a movie in and laid back down with Michael. A couple hours later you and Michael were both asleep on each other.

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