You have an eating disorder

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*Trigger warning*

I am in no way promoting eating disorders. I know this helps some of you so I will keep writing it for you guys :)


Ashton was on tour and there was a trending hashtag and picture going around saying you had an eating disorder. You had planned on telling Ashton so he wouldn't have to find out like this, but there was never a right time to tell him. Later that night Ashton skyped you. You smiled when you seen his adorable face light up your screen. You both wanted to talk about it, yet neither of you wanted to bring it up. "I guess we need to talk" you sighed knowing that was part of the reason he skyped. he nodded not wanting to believe any of it. "It's true" your voice cracked "then we'll get through this together." You moved the laptop so it would seem like he was laying next to you. He gave you a sympathetic smile knowing what you were doing "I'm sorry I can't be with you" Ashton frowned "Well somebody needs to be a drummer for 5sos and honestly the guys aren't half as good as you are." You both started laughing "yeah they don't know the difference between a cymbal and a snare." "They're not the only one" a few minutes later the guys joined and you felt like you could get over this thanks to them and their support.


Calum had been back home for a few days and was bored of sitting at home. "Hey wanna go out tonight" you wanted to say no but then Calum would expect something. "Yeah that sounds wonderful" you smiled Calum seemed to buy it and went to get ready. You sighed not knowing how you were going to do this. You and Calum were headed to the restaurant so far he didn't seem suspicious. You started to think you were going to be able to pull it off. You looked at the menu and frowned everything was full of calories. "just a salad and a water" you ordered as Calum gave you a weird look. "That's all your eating?" "I had a big lunch" he nodded and started telling you all about the tour. Calum suspected something since he offered to make you lunch and you declined. "Babe, is everything ok?" "yeah why?" "It's just you didn't eat lunch and you barely ate any of your salad." There was no way you could lie to Calum's face so you came clean. "I've had an eating disorder for several years" You explained everything to him and by the time you were finished you were both crying. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner" Calum confessed. You both hugged and Calum promised to be there for you.


You looked at the scale and sighed you had gained another 5 pounds. You looked at yourself in the mirror with disgust. You thought back to to some of the "fans" tweets "what does he see in her?" "Why would he date that thing when he could have me?" You had gotten so much hate you started to wonder what Luke seen in you.You were so busy criticizing yourself you hadn't noticed Luke walked in until his arms were wrapped around you. He turned you away from the mirror "I seen what some of the fans sent you and I want you to know I don't agree with any of it." "Y/N, you mean the world to me and i'm going to be here to help you as much as I can."Thank you, Luke." "Seriously whenever you need me let me know, I want to help." "Ok" he smiled at you and poked your nose. You laughed and poked him back. Pretty soon it was an out poke war. At one point Luke tripped so you took advantage of it and hid in a closet. You heard his footsteps and tried not to laugh, but it didn't work. a few seconds later the door was swung open. You knew it was going to happen, but you still screamed. "Gotcha" Luke whispered in your ear. By now you were too tired to fight back. Luke put you on the bed and collapsed on it himself.


"Wanna order a pizza?" The four words you dreaded the most. Just thinking of the grease and toppings was enough to make your stomach churn. "I'm not hungry, but if you want it that's fine" Michael paused the game and looked you in the eyes. "You've been saying that a lot lately. Are you sick? Is something wrong?" There was something in the way he looked at you. It was like he knew, but he wanted you to say it for confirmation. "I may have an eating disorder" you looked away not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes. He scooted a little closer so he could hug you. You almost felt bad for not telling him. Once you both broke the hug you could see it hurt him just as much as it hurt you. It was quiet for a few seconds until Michael's stomach growled. You both laughed and Michael ordered a pizza and some bread sticks. The whole house smelled like pizza and bread sticks. You decided to try and eat a little you managed to eat half a bread stick. With some help from Michael the next few months you started eating a little bit more each week.

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