Embarrassment (Michael)

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Plot: You and Michael go to the store and he embarrasses you

Michael had some time off and insisted on spending every possible minute with you including shopping. After you found everything you needed you noticed a really good sale on bras you started looking at them and contemplated which ones to buy. A few minutes later you noticed Michael wasn’t around you figured he was looking at the games and left it at that. “Hey Y/N look” you looked up and to your horror Michael had a bra on his head “MICHAEL WHAT ARE YOU DOING” “shopping what does it look like” “It looks like you’re being an idiot” “how rude” he dramatically walked away. You continued looking when you noticed Michael now had a bra on his head and he was wearing old womans underwear you groaned and tried to ignore him but it’s difficult to ignore a 6’ foot man wearing a bra and womans underwear. He walked over with a smirk “If you get us kicked out I will kill you” “oo feisty” “Michael I’m serious” “hey serious” you groaned “ok I’m sorry babe” he put everything back and helped you pick out some bras. Later that night he made supper and apologized some more “I forgive you, Michael” “how about showing off some of the bras” you smirked “I don’t know you’ve been really annoying lately” he made the saddest face he could you laughed “ok c’mon, lover boy” 

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