Snow days (All)

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Plot: How the two of you spend snow days

Imagine: Ashton

The forecast said expect snow you laughed to yourself it never snows here you turned the tv off and went on with your day. All of a sudden something caught your eyes just like the forecast said white fluff was falling from the sky you walked to the window and stood in shock. Ashton had walked in earlier but you were into the snow so much you didn’t notice until he walked behind you and wrapped his arms around you.


"Babe it’s snowing" Calum whispered gently "impossible" you muttered and turned over and saw that indeed was snowing "OH MY GOD CALUM IT’S SNOWING" He laughed "I know I just told you that" You guys then decided to get in touch with the kid in you and played in the snow until you both got cold and started cuddling trying desperately to get heat back into your bodies. 


You were sitting in the windowsill reading a book with hot cocoa next to you as the little snow flakes came each one faster than the last. Luke walked in the room saw you and took a picture and sat in front of you reading a book of his own occasionally drinking your hot cocoa. 


It was Michael’s day off so you guys slept in when you woke up you noticed the snow and showed Michael. You guys then decided to play video games like every day Michael had off except this time you guys had to make your own pizza as the roads were closed which was interesting to say the least but still edible.

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