Burn (Kristoph x Phoenix's Daughter! Reader)

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Your Pov:

I visited Kristoph frequently over the weeks. I told him about the dingy motel I had been staying in. Apparently concerned with the baby, he told me to go stay at his home. I tried to refuse, but in the end, I moved from the motel to his house. Trucy came over to see me sometimes, but her visits were always short. Daddy still tried to get in contact with me, but I refused to speak to him. That was until Trucy brought me some news one cold day.

"Daddy's in the hospital (Y/n)."

I went to the hospital, thoughts frantically running through my head. I hoped that he was ok. I went up to the receptionist, "Excuse me, miss? What room is Phoenix Wright in?" She gave me the number and I headed down the hallway. I reached the room and opened the door. Daddy sat on the hospital bed with Trucy in the chair next to him. I went to Trucy, "What happened?!" She smiled, "Daddy was hit by a car, but he's ok."

I turned to him, "How did you get hit by a car?!" He laughed, "It's a funny story actually. I was going to play piano at that pasta joint, Alden Taes, and this car knocked me clean into a telephone pole." I sighed, "At least you're ok. I should go." As I turned to leave, he called out to me, "Wait." I looked at him, "Yeah?" He sighed, "I...I'm sorry for what I did and said all those weeks ago. I was blinded by anger, you could say." I hugged him gently, "I forgive you, daddy. It's ok."

After that, I went back to Kristoph's house. Weeks passed with more visits and eventually, 3 months had passed. It was a cold, rainy day when he came to the house. I was on the sofa reading when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and looked through the peephole on the door. Kristoph's brother, Klavier, stood outside. I opened the door, "Klavier? What are you doing here?" He was holding two pieces of paper, "I was told to give you this, fräulein." He handed them to me, "I'm so sorry." With that, he turned and left. I closed the door and sat down on the sofa.

I lifted the first paper up and read it.

The Misham Pamphlet

The charge against is connection with one Drew Misham. For purposes of improper speculation. My real crime is a forgerous connection with his daughter. For a considerable time up until his death. I bought frequent forgeries from her. Most of them hang in my own house.

I plead guilty to the charges against me and take full responsibility in the death and murder of Drew Misham.
The paper fell out of my hand and I felt cold tears running down my cheeks. The judge had repealed the life sentence to 5 years the first time, but now?! I turned on the news to see if they were talking about this. Every news channel was talking about it. The spoke about the sentencing, "In today's trial, the judge declared the defendant guilty with a full life sentence." I turned off the tv and went to the guest room I was staying in.

I looked at the second sheet of paper.
The Justice Pamphlet

The other charge against me is a connection with one Phoenix Wright. For purposes of, again, improper speculation. My real crime is an amorous connection with his newest employee. For a considerable time, with his knowing consent.

I had frequent meetings with him. Most of them at my own house. Ms. Wright being absent on a visit to her father.
I crumpled up the letter and tossed it into my bag. I didn't understand how he could do this to me! To us! I grabbed my suitcase and packed all of my stuff into it. I changed into a different outfit and left the house. I caught a bus to the office. Everyone on the bus was giving me looks of pity.  Once I got to the office door, I used my key to get in. I placed my suitcase next to the coat hanger and went to find Trucy and Daddy. I found them at the old desks with two papers . They were talking to a boy. He was a brunette with two horns of hair sticking up in the front.

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