He Thinks You're Cheating On Him

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He Thinks You're Cheating On Him


You had been very busy with your job and hadn't been able to see your boyfriend as much. Even on your days off, you were swamped with paperwork. So, one day, you decided to go to a coffee shop to get some caffeine in your system. When you got there, you ran into Edgeworth, who was also getting coffee. You both took a seat at a nearby table and began to talk about work and other stuff.

He then asked, "How are things going between you and Wright?" You smiled, "Oh, just fine. I've been really-" Another voice cut yours off, "You told me that you were busy with work, but instead, you're on a coffee date with my best friend!" You turned to see Phoenix. You looked between them, thinking, 'I knew I shouldn't have taken that break. I knew that this would end up happening.'

Then, you stood and rushed out of the coffee shop, leaving the two men behind. The door opened and slammed behind you indicating that one of the was following after you.


Edgeworth absolutely hated it when you were called to testify in court. If he was the prosecutor, then he didn't care as much. However, if it was someone like, let's say, Klavier, then he isn't having any of it. And that's exactly what happened.

That day, you were called to testify about a case that Klavier was prosecuting in. During your testimony, Klavier made a lot of flirtatious remarks and comments. You had been extra sassy that day and jokingly flirted back in a sarcastic tone. Some detectives sitting in the gallery relayed what happened to Edgeworth and he was extremely upset. You had returned to the office earlier that day and he decided to confront you.

The door to your office opened as Edgeworth came in. His face was devoid of all emotion as he spoke, "How was the trial?" You looked at him, "It went fine. Nothing worth noting." He scoffed, "Not even your flirting?" You tilted your head, "What? I was only joking around." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Do you really think I'm that ignorant?" You frowned, "No. You don't believe me?" Before he could respond, you stood up, "Fine, then. I see how it is." You rushed out the door with tears running down your face.


You had been called to interview one of the most infamous convicts on death row: Kristoph Gavin. It was double pay, so you took up the job. You didn't tell Klavier because he would do everything in his power to keep you from seeing his brother. So, on the day of the interview, you lied and told him, "I'm going to interview the circus performers that came into town with the Berry Big Circus."

He believed you and you left to the prison. You showed them your press badge and they led you to a visitation room. You got out your notepad and pen and waited. Soon enough, a guard brought him in. You went through the interview asking questions about his victims, his crimes, and his motives.

He gave you vague but explanative answers to each one and looked at you like he knew you from somewhere. Then, he spoke, "I've seen you on the news with my...brother. Another fling, I suppose?" You shook your head, "We've been together for a long time. He doesn't know that I'm here. Please don't let him know that I came here to interview you." He chuckled, "I'd get no benefits by spilling the secret, but we both know what we know."

You packed up your stuff and headed back home. The next day, Klavier went to visit his brother like he usually did. When he came back, however, he was livid. You were writing up your report when he confronted you, "So you were going to interview the circus performers, huh?" You gulped and nodded, "O-Of course. Where else would I go?" He scoffed, "That's not what I heard the guards gossiping about today."

You looked at him, "What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes, "You went to see my brother yesterday. The guards whispered about how you practically begged him to not tell me that you were there!" You winced, "If I would've told you who I was interviewing, you wouldn't of let me go. I knew you'd get like this if you found out." He shook his head, "That's probably a lie too. You're cheating on me with him, aren't you?"

Your eyes widened, "I am not cheating on you with anyone! Especially not with your own brother!" He looked towards the door, "I need time to think. You need to leave." You frowned, "What?! You don't-" He cut me off, "Leave!" You turned and left, leaving him all alone.


You had been busy all week helping Klavier prepare for an upcoming trial. You had been promoted to his aide and that meant you had less time to spend with Kristoph. He didn't mind as he had been busy as well.

When the trial was a few days away, he started to become suspicious. Whenever you spoke with him, you were nervous and jumpy. Always eager to get back to work. He asked about your progress on the case but only received curt and vague answers. He was determined to find out what was going on.

So, he brought you into his office and locked the door. You had came to his office to drop off some papers from the prosecutor's office. He had you sit down and then spoke, "You've been so tense lately. Do you mind telling me what's made you so nervous?" You winced, "I've been preparing for the trial. You know that." He decided it was then time to cut to the chase, "Then tell me this: Are you being unfaithful to me? Seeing as you spend less and less time with me and spend more with my brother, it's pathetically obvious."

You shook your head frantically, "No! I would never! I love you. You know that." He shook his head, "Do you really? I have a hard time believing that with the evidence laid out before me." You stood up, knocking the chair over, "You're insane! I can't believe that you of all people would accuse me of such a thing. I thought you were better than this. I guess not." With that you left his office with angry swirling around in your mind.


You had been tasked with watching your cousins for the day. Yes, you were an adult, but your aunt and uncle didn't have anyone else to ask. They were arriving today, and luckily Godot would be working the whole day. You had three cousins: two boys and one girl. They weren't that annoying, but they liked to be loud. Your oldest cousin, Derek, was 18 and the other two were 16.

As you finished cleaning, the door bell rang. You opened the door and let your cousins in. You waved to your aunt and uncle, then shut the door. Your cousins all did their own things, except for Derek. He was making inappropriate comments about your body and kept trying to touch you. The first time, you ignored it. The second time, however, you slapped him. He didn't get the message and still continued.

Soon enough, Godot came home from work. When he walked into the living room, he spotted your two younger cousins on the floor playing a game. He then noticed you sitting on the couch with your older cousin (who he didn't know was also your cousin at the time) next to you, still being inappropriately gross.

You noticed that Godot came in and smiled at him. He ushered the younger ones out to the backyard and then turned to you, "So this is what you do when I'm gone? Bring random men into our house and around your cousins, no less." You stood up, "No! This is my cousin, Derek. I'm watching him and the other two for my aunt and uncle." He glared at you and Derek before going to your shared room and slamming the door.

A couple of hours later, your aunt and uncle picked up your cousins and left. You walked past Godot and locked yourself in one of the guest rooms, ignoring his pleas for you to come out.

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