Tragedy (Goddess! reader x Edgeworth)

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Tragedy (Goddess! reader x Edgeworth)

A/N: In this one shot, you are the Greek goddess of both music and archery. You are also sister to the god Apollo and goddess Artemis.

Your Pov:

I sat on the sofa listening to music. Apollo was out practicing his archery and probably seducing women. Artemis was also out. She was on another hunt. I sighed in boredom and decided to see what Miles was up to. I knew it was bad to associate with a mortal, but I kind of...liked him.

We had met in the park. I was playing some notes on Apollo's lyre, which I had taken from his room earlier that day. Miles told me that my playing was beautiful and everything bloomed after that.

But that was also the day our tragedy was set in motion.

I texted Miles asking if he'd like to meet up at the park. He agreed and I got ready. As I finished up, I heard the front door open and close. I walked out of my room to find Apollo back. He looked at me, "And where are you going that dressed up?" I bit my lip nervously, "I'm heading to the park. I'll be back soon." He narrowed his eyes in suspicion before nodding, "Alright then. I'll be here." Then, he cleared his throat, "Ahem, my lyre?"

I smiled sheepishly as I pulled the lyre out of my bag and handed it to him. I then headed to the park. After a while of walking, I got to the park. I found Miles sitting at a bench. I smiled and sat down next to him, "Sorry if I made you wait. My brother caught me sneaking out of the house. It wasn't easy after that." He chuckled, "It's alright. I wasn't waiting for too long." After that, we talked for hours and then, our meet up ended with confessions and a kiss. When we kissed I could've swore that I saw a flash of a golden bow in the bushes.

When I looked again, nothing was there. So, I headed home. When, I arrived, I could hear Apollo and Artemis in the kitchen. I hung up my bag and made my way into the kitchen. I spoke, "I'm back." They looked at me silently. Apollo spoke, "Who were you with at the park today?" I bit my lip, "I wasn't with anyone, Apollo. I was alone." Artemis sighed, "I saw you in the park. And, you were with a man." I shook my head, "No. I was alone. You must be mistaken." Apollo frowned at me.

"She isn't mistaken. You were with a man. I saw you as well. Who is he?" I held my arms to my chest, "Fine. I was with a man. So what?" Apollo looked at me, "Mortals and Gods and Goddesses do not mix." I frowned, "They don't mix? You cannot stop me. So what if I was with a mortal? I love him." Apollo's face darkened, "Watch your tongue, sister. You are lucky that I did not shoot him through with one of my arrows. Can't you see you're being duped by a dirty mortal?"

I looked away from him, "He hasn't duped me. You wouldn't know anyways!" He growled, "After his 'meet up' with you, he went home to another woman he called his wife. Face it sister, you've been duped." I collapsed to my knees and sobbed. Artemis kneeled next to me, "I'm sorry (Y/n). But this is the price those who resist their own fates must pay."

And so, the flower fell from the branch as it were.

But flowers are beautiful because they must whither.

So my love was true.

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