I'll Say I'm In Love (Edgeworth x Von Karma! Reader)

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I'll Say I'm In Love (Edgeworth x Von Karma! Reader)

Requested by ProsecutorLivonKarma

Your Pov:

I had just gotten off my flight from Germany. When I went to Germany I was a novice prosecutor. Now, I'm one of the best in the business. My best friend - Miles Edgeworth - had left when I decided to become a prosecutor. He told me that we would meet again once he returns. I had been gone for years and still heard nothing from him. I hailed a cab and headed to the prosecutor's office.

Once there, I headed inside to my sister's office. Franziska made a name for herself her and got an office. I knocked on the door and she spoke, "Come in." I opened the door and closed it behind me. I spoke, "I'm finally back." She looked up quickly, "(Y/n)! You're here! I've missed you, but the fools around here have been keeping me busy with their foolish antics." I nodded, "Is Edgeworth here?" She nodded, "That fool is in the office above mine. I always hear his classical music playing."

I smiled, "I'm going to go see him! I'll be back." I left her office and headed upstairs. There was one door up here. I knocked. Then, the voice that I loved spoke, "Come in." I opened the door and stepped inside. The room was elegant, but I expected nothing less from Edgeworth. I cleared my throat, "I've missed you, Miles." His head snapped up, "(Y/n)?" I nodded, "That's me. I'm back." He stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. His steel colored eyes were the same as I remembered them.

He spoke, "I heard about your successes on the news. A new prosecutor moving up the ranks faster than Franziska and I." I nodded, "I wanted to be the best of the best." Then, I frowned, "Why didn't you ever contact me?" He tensed for a moment, "I didn't want to distract you. When I left, it was for you and for myself." Edgeworth never showed this side of himself to me before. He was usually monotone in his conversations.

I hugged him, "You never distracted me. In fact, you kept me going. Every time I wanted to give up, I thought of you." He hugged me back and muttered, "Now that you're back, I won't go anywhere. I'll stay by your side and go where ever you go." Then, he pulled away from the hug and sighed, "That was very cheesy and I hope that no one heard. I still meant it though." I giggled, "It was very sweet. I'm staying here for good now."

Then, he did something rare. He smiled. Whenever he smiles, he looks so handsome and happy. I smiled back, "I love you, Miles." He held my hand, "I love you too." My heart swelled with happiness. Edgeworth's not one for admitting his feelings, but that simple sentence held so much meaning for me. I then looked at him, "By the way, how are Phoenix and Larry doing?" He sighed and shook his head, "Wright is doing well. He's gaining more popularity as a defense attorney. And Larry...well, he still can't keep a stable job."

I sighed and shook my head with a smile. Today was perfect. Everyone is doing alright and I finally reunited with Edgeworth. I love him.

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