Breaking News Pt. 2

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Breaking News Pt. 2

Your Pov:

I sat on the sofa with a tub of ice cream in my lap and a jar of sliced pickles on the coffee table. I scooped some ice cream onto the spoon and then put a pickle slice on it. Soon enough, Miles came home from work. I placed the ice cream tub on the table. He looked at me, "Did you eat anything healthy today?" I smiled sheepishly, "N-Not really."

He sighed, "What am I going to do with you?" I put another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. He approached me and tried to grab the tub. I shoved a large spoonful into my mouth and glared at him. He put the ice cream back into the freezer. I spoke, "If the baby wants it, I'm going to eat it." He looked at me, "It's not the baby. It's you." My jaw dropped. He continued, "If you continue to do this, then you'll probably weigh 2x more than you did before the baby."

I scoffed, "Last time I checked, I'm the pregnant one here. I'm carrying this baby, so I think I'd know what it wants better than you do." He then went back to the freezer, took the tub out, and dumped it all into the sink. I watched in shock. He spoke, "I'm throwing out every sugary food in this house. You'll get fruit, vegetables, plant-based meat, herbal teas, and water." I looked at him, "You can't make me." He smirked, "I know, but, you'll get hungry some time."

After that, he went to his study. I hurriedly dug around in the cabinets for something sweet. There was nothing besides vegetable chips and unsweetened granola. Then, in the corner of the cabinet, I spotted a small chocolate box. I grabbed it and ran to the sofa. I sat down and opened the box. But before I could grab a piece, the box was yanked out of my hands. Miles looked at me, "No. I said no sweets." I huffed and ignored him.

He stayed true to his word.

Ice cream from Phoenix?

Down the drain.

My hidden candy stash?

Dropped in the dirty, wet garbage.

Pocky I bought from the store?

He used them to stir his tea and then ate them in front of me.

I crept into our room with a box of chocolate I found on the counter. I tore open the box and stuffed a couple pieces into my mouth. I savored the taste. Then, there was a chuckle at the door, "I knew you couldn't resist." I looked over to see Miles. I rolled my eyes, "Go away." He simply turned and walked down the hall, but not before calling back, "Those chocolates have laxatives in them." I dropped the chocolates and ran into the bathroom, cursing him out in my head as I did.

But I know that he's just looking out for me.

So, I'll overlook it.

For now.

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