My Mate Pt 2 (Wolf Pack) (Edgeworth x Reader)

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A/N: It's finally here. This was requested a lot and I'm ready to write this chapter now. Hope you enjoy it!

Your Pov:

It's been about a year since I left to Germany. I managed to find a good paying job and rented a nice house. I also met another man. He was kind, caring, and sweet. He helped me to forget the bad things and remember the good things. Our house was right next to the woods, so we could run in the trees. I was happy for once.

Nothing could ruin it...

Or so I thought.

It was 10 at night when I heard a howl from the woods. I recognized it as one of my work friends. I went outside and shifted before darting into the trees. I ran for a few minutes before stopping at a large boulder. My friend stood there in her wolf form. I went behind a tree and shifted back as she did the same. I came back out.

"What's up? Is everything ok?" She looked at me, "A wolf came through looking for you today. Says some alpha is looking for you." I sighed, "What did the wolf look like?" She spoke, "He was tall and sort of buff with black hair. He was wearing a green trench coat too." My eyes widened. I knew exactly who she was talking about. I spoke quickly, "Did he give you any information or anything?!" She handed me a slip of paper, "He told me to give this to you."

On the paper was an address and a phone number. I put it in my pocket, "Alright. Thanks for letting me know." I went back to the house and grabbed my phone. I dialed the number and put the phone to my ear. It rang a few times before someone answered, "Hello?" I spoke, "Hello, Gumshoe. I heard that you've been looking for me. What happened?" He spoke, "Well, Pal, Mr. Edgeworth is going crazy. And there's some news you need to hear in person."

I grabbed my purse, "I'll meet you at the address you wrote. It's a coffee shop right?" He coughed, "Yep. I'll see you there." I hung up the phone and made my way to the coffee shop. I opened the door and stepped inside. I noticed Gumshoe at a table in the back. I approached him and sat down, "What's this news you have for me?" He sighed, "Well, Kristoph murdered someone right after you left and the pack decided on death as the punishment. The twin pups you had unfortunately died from complications after birth. The same happened to beta Hawthorne's pups."

I just nodded. I didn't really bond with my pups so I didn't really feel saddened. I spoke, "What about Edgeworth?" Gumshoe continued, "He's not the same. He's overworking himself and he needs you. Everyone knows that he does." I bit my lip, "If he needs me so much, then why did he reject me? Why should I go back?" Gumshoe looked desperate, "Please come back. He needs you. You know that a rejection can be fixed."

I sighed, "Fine. When do we leave?" He stood up, "Right now. Pack a small bag and meet me at the airport." I left the coffee shop and headed back to my house. I packed a small bag and left a note before leaving. I got to the airport and met up with Gumshoe. He flew over on a private jet and explained that we were going to fly back in it. We got onto the jet and got comfortable. The jet took off and I decided to sleep until we got there.

I was awakened by Gumshoe shaking me, "We're here pal. Let's get moving."  We got off the jet and left the airport. We drove to the wooded area of the city. We got out of the car and shifted. I turned to Gumshoe, "I'll see you there." I bolted into the woods. My paws pounded against the dirt as blood pumped in my ears. I eventually arrived at the clearing my pack lived in. As I entered the clearing, two other wolves rushed towards me.

One was Maggey and the other was Phoenix. Phoenix looked at me, "You're actually back. I do want to talk to you, but go see Edgeworth first." I nodded and kept running. I ran through to the next clearing and stopped in shock. Everyone looked so depressed. As I stepped closer, Klavier and Iris approached me. I spoke quickly, "Where is Edgeworth?"

Iris looked towards the pack house, "He's in there. He hasn't been the same since you left. Please, go to him." I ran to the pack house and shifted back before going inside. The interior of the house was almost destroyed. Debris littered the ground, an ink jar was spilled on the ground, and papers were scattered everywhere.

I walked up the stairs to what I'd assumed was his office. There was silence. I walked up to the door and opened it. Edgeworth was strewn across the desk, sleeping. His hair was disheveled and his eyes looked puffy as if from crying. His office was also a mess. I brushed some hair out of his face and he twitched. He stirred and began to wake up. He sat up and turned his head towards me. His eyes widened before going back to their usual emotionless state, "You've come back..." I nodded, "Everyone's worried about you. They said that you were going crazy looking for me."

He slowly nodded, "I was looking for you. Now that you're back I..." His voice cracked slightly and a tear ran down his cheek. From what I knew, no one had ever seen him cry before. Right now, he looked so vulnerable. I approached him slowly, "Now that I'm back-what?" Please tell me." He shuddered slightly, "I want you to stay...with me." I stared at him, "But you rejected me. Why are you doing this to my emotions?"

He stood and came to me, "When you left, I blamed myself. I came to regret not accepting you." He shook his head, "I searched and searched, but I never found you." I wiped a tear from his face, "From the time you rejected me, up until now, I never stopped loving you. I wanted to hate you, despise you, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it." He gently grasped my hands, "Then please, stay with me. Stay with our packs." 

I felt tears in my eyes as I spoke, "I...I will stay. For our packs and for you." For the first time, I saw him smile. He hugged me, burying his head in the crook of my neck, "Thank you."

A few days later, Gumshoe went back to my home in Germany and packed the rest of my things. I sent a letter to the man I had been with, explaining everything. He was very understanding and said he was happy for me. Edgeworth had the rejection voided and today was our ceremony.

Today, the packs would be combined as one. All of the girls from both packs helped me get ready. I was wearing a beautiful dress and unlike a year ago, I felt happy. All of the girls were telling me how beautiful I looked. We left to the pack house. The girls went inside while I waited for my cue. The music started and I began to walk inside. The pack house was decorated finely. Flower vases on pedestals lined the sides of the aisle and in the vases were white and red roses. White fabric hung from the stair banisters.

I locked eyes with Edgeworth. He was wearing a black tux with a magenta flower pinned to the front. I finally reached the altar. I looked at Edgeworth as we faced Phoenix. He was going to be leading the ceremony. Phoenix spoke, "Dearest pack members, we are here to witness the bonding union of this alpha and this omega. They are to become mates for all eternity. If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your case." There was silence.

Phoenix continued, "Now, then. Alpha Edfeworth, your vows?" Edgeworth turned to me, "(Y/n), the day I met you, I fell in love with you and everything about you. You make me feel complete in a way I never thought was possible. Nothing could ever change the way I feel about you. You are the sun and without you, it is raining. I love you."

I felt tears burning my eyes. Phoenix turned to me. I could see tears in his eyes as well. He spoke, "And you,
(Y/N)?" I smiled, "Miles, you are everything to me. My moon, my sun, my stars, and so much more. You are my other half, my missing puzzle piece. I love you and even after thousands of years, that will never change."

We faced Phoenix again. He sniffled and spoke, "Now, please face each other and join hands." I turned and held Edgeworth's hands. Phoenix spoke again, "Now, you may kiss." We leaned forward and met in the middle. After a few seconds, we pulled away. Phoenix closed the book he was holding, "With that kiss, your bond is sealed." He turned to the crowd, "I present to you, your Alpha and Luna!"

Everyone cheered. We all left the pack house and headed to Phoenix's pack house for the reception. After cake and some celebration, it was time for speeches. Phoenix went up first. He raised his glass, "To the alpha and to the luna! From your close friend, Phoenix." The crowd cheered. Phoenix continued, "To your union and the hope that you provide! May you always be satisfied."

After the speeches, we celebrated some more before everyone headed to their houses. Edgeworth and I headed to the room made for us in the pack house. That night was one of the best nights of my life.

A few weeks later, the doctor (Ema) confirmed to Edgeworth and I that I was expecting. Not only that, but she also said that it was going to be triplets!

I have my mate, my children, and I couldn't be any happier.

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