Visiting (Apollo x Reader)

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Visiting (Apollo x Reader)

Your Pov:

I walked through the halls to the visitation room. A guard walked with me on my right. Soon enough we got to the door. The guard opened it and shut it after I entered. I looked at the table. There sat Apollo. He looked at me, shocked, "Oh my gosh is that is that really you? Is that really you baby?" I approached the table and sat down. He spoke, "Please tell me that's you! I didn't quite expect you to come visit me...I missed you." He closed his eyes, then looked at me again, "I missed you so much." I was silent.

He bit his lip, "It's been how long now since I've been behind these walls? Two years, maybe even three? I don't even know. I don't remember." He chuckled, "It's hard keeping track of time in here." He looked at me, "So what brings you here sweetheart?" I spoke, "I need to tell you something." He tilted his head, "What's that? You have something to tell me? Well what are you waiting for baby?" He smiled, "Tell me. Wait, actually, before you open your mouth and tell me everything, I have to ask. I just have to ask. Is it good news or or is it bad news?" I frowned and held my arm by the elbow. He spoke.

"Hey baby, what's the matter? What's wrong? Why do you look so worried?No, no. It's bad news isn't it? Tell me. Tell me." He paused, "...I mean I'm ready for whatever it is you're about to say and don't you dare hold back on me. Tell me everything." I spoke, "I-I'm going to get m-ma-" He cut me off, "No, no, no way. No baby. No. You, you can't do this. You can't babe. You can't! Oh please. please don't tell me it's true baby. Please." I nodded, "It's true."

He shook his head, "Please don't tell me you're actually gonna get married with him! No, no! We were we were supposed to get married! Don't you remember our promise? You told me you'd wait for me. You told me you'd

ait for the day I come out of here!" He grasped my hand from across the table, "Please, please I'm asking you, don't accept this marriage proposal. Don't. We've been together for almost six years now. You've only met him for like what? A year? I'll be out of here soon. I'll be out of here and I'll be by your side soon baby. Soon I promise. I give you my word. Just think about it." He looked desperate.

"We'll be so happy together once I get out. Just the two of us. We'll get married and we'll have kids. Please, please just wait." I shook my head. He frowned, "Just wait a little longer please. I beg of you. You're the only one I have left. You're the only one that's keeping me sane behind these dark walls. Baby please don't marry him. I'm begging you. Please." I bit my lip, "My parents don't..." He squeezed my hand, "What? Your parents? What about your parents?" I frowned, "They don't want me to be with you." He searched my eyes, "They don't want you to marry me? No, no. Don't say that. Don't say that! Who cares?"

He looked into my eyes, "Who cares what your parents think? You love me right? Because I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. I love you so much. Just think about the beautiful children we'll have together baby." I sighed, "I just don't know..."

He nodded, I know. I-I know. I made a mistake okay? I know that I made a mistake. A big mistake and it got me here away from you. Locked up, but please understand I did it for you. I
did all of this for you. I know, I know I
shouldn't have dealt with those drug
dealers but gosh I wanted to get you a
beautiful diamond ring. You know I'm not a bad guy. Please baby." I sighed.

He tilted my chin up to meet his gaze, "Please understand." I frowned at him. He shook his head, "No don't-don't look at me like that." I looked away, "I can't wait anymore, Apollo." He froze, "Please, please, please! You you can't wait for me any longer? What do you mean? What do you mean you can't wait for me any longer?" He sighed, "I know. I know. I know. My sentence. I know that I still have years and years left on my sentence but please baby."

I shook my head sadly, "I can't." He took a breath, "Fine. Come come closer to me okay?" I scooted the chair closer to him. He leaned towards my ear, "Now what I'm about to tell you, you cannot tell anyone about this okay? Do you promise me?" I nodded, "I promise." He spoke, "Okay, okay. I am going to escape from here." I gasped and he continued, "Listen, I'll escape from here and then we can both travel as far away from here as possible. Just the two of us alone. Nobody else will ever need to know where we've gone. I'll have everything
set up in in a month's time. He looked at me beggingly, "Please baby."

He continued, "Trust me. All you have to do is just don't say yes to his marriage proposal. All you have to do is just wait, please. Give me one month. One month is all that I ask and all that I need to get out of here and back in your arms. Please baby." My eyes clouded with tears as he spoke, "Please, please wait for me? What's that?" I spoke, "You'll find another person to love. I can't be that person."

He gripped my hand, "No, don't don't say that! What do you mean I'll learn to find love again? No, no. Please don't say that. Please don't do this to me. I-I just want to be happy with you!" His voice echoed around the room, "I can't find love again. I can't and I won't! ou're the only one I'll ever truly love! Please..." He gripped my left hand and traced my ring finger, "I-I know. I know you didn't care for a
diamond ring but I wanted to give you a beautiful diamond ring. I-I didn't hurt anybody! I just...I just made a mistake." I pulled away from him.

He frowned, "Please don't look at me like I'm some monster. Please, please listen baby. Listen to me okay? I need you to listen. I-I have to go now. I can't talk to you for any longer but please, please just think about it. Just think about it. It's all that I ask and after you've given it some thought, call me in a week from now okay?" He repeated himself, "Exactly one week from now. The same time okay?" He bit his lip, "And and if you decide to not call me, then I'll know your answer but before you go, just know that whatever it is that you decide to do, that I'm going to love you no matter what and maybe after I served my sentence, I'll be able to visit you."

He stood up, "That's all...that's all I have to say. I love you. Goodbye."

Then, he was gone.

I left the visitation center with a heavy heart and a decision to make.

Be on the run forever?


Marry someone my parents like?

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