Impatient (Shelly De Killer x Reckless! reader)

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Impatient (Shelly De Killer x Reckless! reader)

Requested by ExecCross1202

A/N: You are an assassin in training. De Killer is training you and decides to send you on your first mission: kill one of the richest men in town by acting as the man's concubine. From there, things spiral out of control.

Your Pov:

I sat on the couch waiting for my mission details. Shelly was supposed to be back 5 minutes ago. The door opened and Shelly stepped in. He had a dress draped over his arm and was holding a pair of heels in the other. I tilted my head, "What're those for?" He held them out to me, "For your mission, young lady. Get changed." I grabbed them and went into the bathroom to change. After I put everything on, I looked in the mirror.

 After I put everything on, I looked in the mirror

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I felt very weird. What kind of mission required me to dress like this? I stepped out of the bathroom, slightly stumbling in the heels. Shelly turned to me. He was silent for a moment. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Now, your mission. Listen closely." He sat me at a table and sat in front of me, "Your target is one Seán William McLoughlin. He is a bachelor with many concubines." I nodded as he continued, "You are to infiltrate the residence by going undercover as his next concubine. Then you will kill him. Understood?" I nodded, "Yes, sir. What is my weapon?" He placed a small bottle in my hand, "Poison."

He spoke, "Put this in his tea. After 3 days, his heart will give out." I must've looked nervous because he gave a chuckle, "I will also be undercover as a butler to watch your progress. If anything goes wrong, I'll be watching." I gulped, "Yes, sir." He lead me out to the car, "Once we arrive, I expect you to have a pseudonym and answers to any questions he may ask." I nodded, "Yes, sir. My name is Giana Antez. I was born October 18th, 2000, and I know how to cook, clean, and take care of children." He nodded.

"Very good. Now, our client goes only by the name of Mark. We have a lot of things riding on this, so don't mess it up." Then, we pulled up to a large house. It was surrounded by large green fields of grass. Shelly came around and helped me out of the car. We walked up to the door and he knocked. A few moments later, a girl answered, "Oh, Mr. Bonde, is that her? Master Seán has been waiting." Shelly nodded, "Yes, Clarice. Please inform the master that we have arrived." The girl led us in and went to get who I presumed was her 'master'.

As we waited, I looked at the interior. It was so beautiful. A staircase placed in the room's center led to the upper floor. Marble statues stood in front of the stair's banisters. The floor was waxed and shining. I was brought out of my thoughts by footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up. A man was coming down the stairs. He looked relatively young and the front part of his hair was dyed a neon green. He wore a pair of dark jeans with a simple t-shirt. This is the guy I'm supposed to kill?

I bowed my head slightly, "It's nice to meet you sir." He smiled, "It's nice to meet'cha as well." I spoke, "It is an honor to be here, sir." He turned nodded and turned to Shelly, "James, please show her to her room. Then, report to my study." Shelly, or 'James' as he was called, bowed, "As you wish." Shelly led me to a room on the second floor, "I managed to get you a room without a roommate. Every room besides the bathroom and kitchen have security cameras." He opened the door and we walked inside. He closed the door and spoke quietly, "Tonight, you are on dinner duty. Put the poison in his drink. It is both colorless and scentless."

I nodded, "Understood." He cleared his throat, "Also, try to communicate with the other concubines. It'll make them less suspicious." He left the room and I made myself comfortable. I took a short nap before deciding to go mingle a bit. I walked back downstairs and found a couple of girls talking. They saw me and went quiet. Then, all but one of them left. The remaining girl spoke up, "Hello. You're new here, right?" I nodded, "Yeah. I'm new." She smiled, "Well, my name is Rosalie. Call me Rose. What's yours?" I smiled, "I'm Giana. You can call me G." Of course, I couldn't give her my real name. I'd have to kill her if I did. I looked at where the other girls left and Rose rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry about them. They're kinda stuck up." We talked for a little bit more before I left to cook the 'master's' dinner. I made a simple steak with mashed potatoes and asparagus. I grabbed a wine glass and poured some red wine into it. I then took the poison out of my pocket and poured some into it. I stirred it around before placing the cup on the tray. I put the poison back in my pocket and picked up the tray. I carried up the stairs to the study. I knocked on the door, "I have your dinner, sir." He allowed me in and I gave him his dinner. Shelly stood to the side of the table, waiting for orders it seemed.

After he finished eating, I took the tray and left. Fast forward two days later and I was giving him his last meal. I put the last of the poison into his drink and brought it to his study. He ate and once he finished, I went to grab the tray, but he stopped me,
"Giana, I want to ask you something." I nodded, "Yes, sir?" He stood, "Out of all of my concubines, you have served me the best. I want you to bear my first child." I froze, but as I examined him more, I noticed he was drunk. I counted the seconds in my head. About 30 seconds and he'd be dead.

I decided that 30 seconds was a bit too long for my tastes. I backed up towards the tray and grabbed the knife, hiding it behind my back. I smiled up behind him in a seductive manner before taking the knife and slitting his throat. Right after I did, there was a scream from behind me. I turned and saw Rose. She turned to run, but ran into Shelly. He grabbed her and slit her throat as well. He grabbed my wrist, ushering me out of the house. As we got in the car and pulled away, the house's lights turned on as more panicked screams filled the cold air. We pulled it off.

Shelly spoke up, "How could you be so reckless? We could've been caught because of your actions. Being an assassin requires patience. If you can't be patient, then you have no business being an assassin." I bit my lip, "I'm sorry! But in my defense, he was drunk and trying to make a move on me. In 30 seconds all kinds of things could've happened." We pulled up to the house. He was silent. I got out of the car and started to head inside. Once we were inside, he spoke to me, "I'll allow it to slide this time, but if it happens again, there will be a punishment. Understand?"

The way he said the word punishment was strange. Almost seductive. I nodded and headed to bed satisfied with my mission being completed even though I was a little reckless.

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