Sporty (Jacques Portsman x Reader)

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Sporty (Jacques Portsman x Reader)

A/N: Hey guys! I just watched a play through of the first case in Miles Edgeworth Investigations. I swear, why do all of the male villains gotta be so good looking?! Ok, maybe not all of them, but most of them. I always like the bad guys in these games. Anyways, the reader is a prosecutor, but is into sports and does cheer on the side.

(Y/T/N) = Your Team Name

Your Pov:

I sat on the ground stretching. I had practice today, so I was at the gym, in the room with the basketball court. After a while, the rest of the team came in and did their stretching. After they finished, I did a head count and frowned, "Where's Daniel?" A member of the team, Candy, spoke up, "He broke his arm, so he can't make it." I sighed, "We have a competition coming up! We need a replacement." Candy tilted her head, "What about that guy you work with? You know, the one who plays all those sports?"

I looked at her, "Jacques? I guess it wouldn't hurt." I grabbed my phone from my bag, but before I could even turn it on, the door opened. I looked up and saw Jacques standing there. He had a basketball under his arm. I called out to him, "Jacques, come over here." He came over to me, "(Y/n), what's going on?" I bit my lip, "My team needs a replacement. Daniel broke his wrist, so we need another person for the lift." He nodded, "I see. I've got it covered. I'll do it."

I smiled, "Thank you so much!" The team and I ran him through his parts and he seemed to pick it up quite fast. After that, we decided to run through our other routine.

As I moved, I felt Jacques eyes on me. I made eye contact with him once during the routine and it made me blush. Usually, he's too busy maintaining his own sports ego to look at someone else. We hit our ending pose. We were all out of breath. I looked around for Jacques and noticed him over at the weights. In the basketball room, there's a small weight section. As I walked over, I noticed how his muscles bulged out just the right way when he lifted the weights. Everyone else had left.

I could also see that the sweat made his shirt cling to him, outlining his chest and abs. I was a sucker for muscles. Not like bodybuilder style, but just enough to look fit. I cleared my throat. He placed the weight down and sat up, "Great performance today, (Y/n). You'll win that competition. Especially with me on your team." I laughed, "I hope so. Just don't drop me." He chuckled, "Never in a million years, sweetheart." I blushed, "Alright, well, I'll see you in the office tomorrow." He nodded, "I'll see you later then." I turned and left.

I went to the locker room and changed into some regular clothes. I checked my phone and as I did, the door opened. The locker room was unisex so both men and women could change in it. There were stalls for privacy still. I grabbed my bag and walked around the lockers, towards the door. As I did, I almost dropped my bag in shock. Jacques was grabbing a shirt out of a locker and his other shirt was in his bag. His abdomen and chest were on full display. He was well built and fit.

Sweat was running down his frame. I snapped out of my daze and quietly made my way out. I sat on a nearby chair and looked through my emails. I replied to a few before hearing the locker room door open. I looked up. Jacques was coming out of the locker room. He waved at me and left.

A week passed and it was the day of the competition. We all stood to the side watching another team's routine. My team stood behind me, mentally rehearsing the routine. Jacques stood next to me. The team we were watching finished and we went out next. We got in our positions and the music started. We moved through the routine and then, we got to the lift. Five of the girls made a circle around Jacques and I while the others made their own circles. He kneeled and intertwined his hands for the foot lift.

I put my foot into his hand and I was boosted up onto his shoulders. I balanced as the other two lifted girls did leg holds. Then, Jacques hands went up to hold my left ankle firmly as did the bow and arrow. Like this:

   × ×           ×  ×           ×   ×
×   ×  ×     ×  ××  ×      ×  ×   ×

The crowd cheered loudly. He pushed me up and I used the push to jump and spiral diagonally down into his arms. He caught me bridal style and placed me dowm as we all hit our poses. The crowd cheered as we left the performance area. The rest of the teams went and then it was time for the awards. We all stood, waiting for the results. The announcer began, "In 10th place, we have the Foothills Wolves!" They went through the rest and got to first place. I became nervous. Did we not even place?

The announcer spoke, "And the winner is...(Y/T/N)!" We all hugged and cheered. In the midst of the excitement, I decided to let Jacques know how I felt about him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. I felt arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer. Then, I heard the announcer, "What an adorable couple!" I pulled away blushing. I looked at Jacques, "S-Sorry! I was just so excited and I really like you!" He shook his head, "Don't be. I like you too. How could I not like someone as into sports as I am?"

I smiled and shook my head, "Only you, Jacques. Only you."

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