Feeling Complete (Will Powers x Emotionless! Tall! Reader)

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A/N: This takes place when he played the Steel Samurai and after the Global Studio murder case.

Feeling Complete (Will Powers x  Emotionless! Tall! Reader)

Requested by Sketchhand

Your Pov:

I stood off to the side of the set watching Will run through another scene for a new episode. After Hammer's death and Vazquez's arrest, the studio went under new management. I was added as the Steel Samurai's 'partner', but I actually played the female lead that gets kidnapped every other episode.

I went over to my spot, which was a tall prop cage. I opened the door to it and stepped inside, closing it. I called out my lines, "Oh, save me my Steel Samurai!" I could see Sal cringe and as Will went to deliver his line, Sal yelled, "Cut! (Y/n), what was that? Where's the emotion?!" I looked at him, "I'm trying Sal. Your writings not exactly the best." Sal stomped off, "Everyone take a break. We'll go again in 20." I got out of the cage and went to my dressing room. I shut the door behind me and slumped into my chair. It's not my fault that my body refuses to express anything.

I admired Will and Penny. When it came to their jobs, they were energetic and happy. I was always so monotone. I tried to make myself feel something, anything, but it never worked. And to add onto that, I'm freakishly tall. I'm an inch or two taller than Will. It's embarrassing when I'm suppose to portray his damsel in distress partner. The prop cage had to be specifically made for my height.

I was knocked out off my thoughts by a knock on the door. I turned the chair, "Come in." The door opened and Will stepped in. He had that sheepish look on his face, "Are you alright, (Y/n)? I've never seen you and Sal like that before." I shook my head, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He held out a script to me, "Sal wants me to help you practice for the rest of the week." I nodded, "Fine. I'll see you later then." He gave me a smile and left the room. Then, a strange warm feeling, like butterflies, made its way to my stomach. I shook it off and headed back to the set.

The next few days consisted of Will and I practicing with the script. Today, was one of those days.

I stood to Will's right, where the cage would usually be. I called out my line, "Oh, save me my Steel Samurai!" Will smiled, "You're getting better. Let's take a break." We went to the employee break room and sat at one of the tables. We talked about random things until Will asked, "This might be a bit personal, but would you mind telling me what made you less emotional?" I thought about it for a moment and nodded, "I guess so."

I continued, "Well, when I was younger, I used to be only 5'5. Then, years later, I had a growth spurt that put me at the height I am now. People made fun of me for it. Calling me names like 'Giant', 'Slender Woman', and more." I paused, looking at him. He was holding his handkerchief. I continued, "So, it was then that I decided that if I didn't show any emotion at all, I wouldn't feel hurt anymore. And it worked. At least, for a while." I looked at the table, "And that's it." He spoke, "You didn't deserve that. You're a good person and your height shouldn't define you."

He grabbed my hand from across the table, "Let me help you. Please." I looked at him, "Thank you."

Over the course of a few months, Will helped me in so many ways. He helped me to smile again. He helped me boost my confidence and self esteem. I felt like a new person. During this time, that warm being from before manifested its way into my stomach. It had gotten stronger. I had decided to look up what it meant and I found the answer: Love.

At first I was confused. Love? This is what love feels like?

Then, it clicked. I only felt this way around Will. I loved Will.

After I came to that conclusion, I began to ignore Will, thinking that he could never love me back and that he only helped me get better as a friendly gesture. Acting on set was still something I couldn't avoid and it ended up being rather awkward. And that led me to where I am now.

My dressing room.

We had just gotten done filming a scene and decided to take a break.

I sat in my dressing room thinking about how awkward it was. There was a knock on the door. I turned my head, "Come in." The door opened and Will walked in. I spoke, "What's up?" He looked at me, "Why have you been ignoring me?" I bit my lip, "What do you mean?" He approached my chair and turned me towards him, "I mean, during breaks you hide in here instead of talking to me like you usually do and during filming, it's awkward." I sighed, "I-I just..."

He looked at me curiously, "What is it?" I spoke quickly, "I love you!" He stared at me in silence before pulling me into a bear hug,"You had me worried." I looked at him, "Do you like me back...?" He nodded, "I do. I just didn't want to scare you off."

(Lemon/Smut starts now!)

After that, we sat on the dressing room's couch in silence. I leaned back against him, my legs curled under me. I closed my eyes and relaxed. That when I felt a slight pressure on my neck. I opened my eyes and looked towards the mirror. Will was leaving butterfly kisses on my neck. I closed my eyes again. As I laid there, I felt him brush over a specific part of my neck and I tensed. I felt his teeth slightly graze my skin before he began to suck on that part.

A quiet moan escaped my mouth. My eyes shot open as I turned to look at him. He had that sheepish look on his face, "Sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable?!" I shook my head, "No. It's ok. You just surprised me." I decided to take a chance and kiss him. He kissed me back and I felt his tongue barely rubbing against my lip. I slightly opened my mouth and his tongue lightly grazed mine. We pulled away and he went back to my neck, lightly biting and sucking on the skin.

He sat up and I tugged off his shirt. I admired his muscles for a few seconds before I felt hands on my shirt. I looked at him and nodded. He took my shirt off and threw it by his. His hands gently caressed my sides as we continued to kiss. Before he reached my pants he looked at me, "Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded, "Yes. I'm sure."

Soon, we were left in only our undergarments. His hands traveled to my bra and I let him take it off. He didn't stare like I thought he would and I pulled down his boxers as he took off my underwear. He flipped me onto my back and looked at me, "Are you ready?" I grabbed his hand, "Yes." I gripped his hand tightly as I felt him enter me. I felt the pain of my walls stretching to accommodate him. Once he was in all the way, he stopped moving. Seconds later, the pain faded into pleasure. I spoke, "Move, please!"

He thrusted slowly at first and I  loosened my grip on his hand. After a few minutes, he sped up, muttering my name and panting quietly. I tangled my hands in his hair trying to muffle my moans by biting my lips. I felt him grip my hips tighter as his warmth filled me and I came undone.

I slipped my undergarments back on and laid back down on the couch, falling asleep next to Will.

I was happy, and I felt complete.

All thanks to Will Powers.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know how if you liked it in the comments. If you want me to change anything, please let me know. Thanks!

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