The Running (Kristoph x Reader)

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Author's Note: This is a wolf shifter universe. The reader and everyone else has a wolf form and a human form. They do not have chosen mates, so they participate in The Running. 20 females and 20 males ranking from Alpha to Omega, are chosen for it. Them and their families are then brought to a forest where the event will commence. The 40 participants will shift into their wolf forms. The females will have a 5 second head start into the forest before the males run after them. If a male catches you, you become their mate. You can avoid this if you cross the line on the other side of the forest. Be fast. Be quick.
Your Pov:

I stood next to my brother and my mother as we listening to the rules of The Running. I already knew them and wanted to get this over with. I was determined to get across that line at the end of the forest. My mother nudged me, "Look, (Y/n)." I looked in the direction she was gesturing to. One of the most self centered, arrogant, and feared Alphas stood among the crowd. His name was Kristoph Gavin. I looked at my mother, "What about it mother?" She looked afraid, "I think he is going to go after you. So please, run as fast as you can. Don't let him catch you."

I turned to my brother. His horns bobbed as he nodded, "Be careful." I hugged him, "I will Apollo." The announcer finished, "Now, all participants must shift." I hugged my mother and went with the rest of the girls. I shifted into my wolf form and waited. My (F/c) fur shined in the sun and I looked at the other girls. Their furs were mixes of browns, blacks, blondes, and one cherry red wolf stuck out to me. The boys had shifted too. I noticed Kristoph looking towards me. I turned away and got ready to run. The announcer spoke, "Girls, you will receive a 5 second head start. 3...2...1...Go!"

I shot into the trees like a bullet. My paws pounded into the dirt and I pushed myself to go faster as I heard several girls get tackled. I reached the middle of the forest and I only heard a few thuds here and there. I didn't slow down though. I kept running. I thought back to some friends I knew were participating. Maya, little Pearls, and Trucy. I pushed myself harder for them. It was then that I started to hear the sound of paws thudding against dirt and it wasn't mine.

I saw golden fur out of the corner of my eye. I darted forward, seeing the tree line 10 feet away. I could hear the thuds getting louder. I burst out of the tree line and towards the line. It was 5 feet in front of me now. I felt someone right behind me. I jumped towards the line, bracing for the impact. I hit the dirt with a thud. I looked up.

Half of my body was on the safe side.

The other half was being gripped by the golden wolf. I whined loudly, trying to scoot across the line. He growled behind me. Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion hit me and I passed out.

I awoke in one of the event's tents. My mother and Apollo were sitting next to me. I sat up, "Mom? Apollo? What happened?" They both hugged me. My mother explained, "Even though you were halfway across the safe line, they deemed you caught. I'm sorry." I looked at them, "Who caught me? All I can remember is golden fur..." My brother clenched his fists, "You were caught by Alpha Kristoph Gavin." My heart dropped. No! No! It couldn't be true! I put my face in my hands, silent tears running down my face. My mother and brother held me.

Suddenly, the flap to the tent opened. I looked up. There stood Kristoph Gavin in all his devil like glory. He locked eyes with me, a skin crawling smile appearing on his face.

"Thought you could outrun me, pet?"

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