Taking A Leap (Apollo x Reader)

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Ballet AU

The reader, Apollo, Trucy, Athena, etc, are ballet dancers. Older characters, I.e.: Phoenix, Edgeworth, etc, are teachers. They all treat each other like they do in game though.
Your Pov:

I sat with everyone on the floor, watching the other dancers audition. Our teacher, Phoenix Wright, had decided to do a ballet version of Cinderella this year. We would audition in pairs and then in singles to determine who got what part. Apollo and I had just auditioned and waited for everyone else to finish. There was one girl in the class that hated me. Her name was (e/n). I think that she hated me because Phoenix picked favorites. Before I joined the class, Trucy and (E/n) were the favorites.

I could understand Trucy's side, as she was the teacher's daughter. Then, when I came into the class and danced for the first time, I became the other favorite. Phoenix would place me in leading roles and giving me solos, leaving (E/n) with the small roles. Trucy still got good roles and we would do a lot of duets together. We're actually really good friends.

Anyways, (E/n) would always try to trip me when I was dancing. Sometimes, I would fall, while other times I would just stumble. If I was dancing with Apollo, she would trip him during a lift or turn, causing him to almost always drop me. I never blamed him for it. Even though he apologized many times each time it happened.

So today, I was determined to get Cinderella's role without favoritism. For the single auditions, Mr. Edgeworth came in. He stood in the front of the room, watching each performance silently. Then, he called me up, "Ms. (L/n), come up please."

I went to the middle of the room.

I went into my ending pose and everyone clapped. Even Mr. Edgeworth. And he hadn't clapped for any before mine. I sat back down, happy and out of breath. Apollo hugged me, "You did so good, (Y/n)!" Trucy nodded next to him, "You nailed it!" I blushed at Apollo's comment, "Thanks.." We went quiet as (E/n) was called up next. I almost had an attack when I heard the music.

She was doing the exact same dance I did! Whispers floated around the group sitting down with us. Trucy looked at me, "Do you think she planned this?" I looked at her, "Of course she did! She hates me!" Apollo put a hand on my shoulder, "I think you did it better though." I blushed. (E/n) finished and gave me a smug smirk. Everyone else went and once they were finished. The two teachers went up to the front. Phoenix spoke first, "Alright, everyone. We have our roles decided. If we call your name, please stand up."

They called names:











My shoulders slumped, as Apollo and Trucy did the same. Another girl, Vera, looked so upset. Then, Mr. Edgeworth spoke, "If you are standing, then you have been cut. You will be given the supporting cast roles that we choose." I looked up with a smile. Phoenix spoke, For those who are seated, you made it into the show. Congratulations!" Apollo, Trucy, and I group hugged before grabbing Vera and pulling her into it too. Phoenix read off the roles for everyone, "As the skinny step sister, Vera. As the dumpy (fat) step sister, Trucy." Mr. Edgeworth continued, "As Fairy Godmother, we have Trucy. For the step mother, we have (E/n)." Phoenix read next.

"Our Prince Charming is Apollo, and our Cinderella is...(Y/n)!" Everyone cheered and quieted down when he spoke again, "The rest of you will be mice, background dancers, or carriage people." After that, we were all given our choreography. I practiced alone and watched the others practice when I took a break. I could see (E/n) eyeballing me from across the room. Apollo came over and I turned to him, "I think she wants to 'talk outside', so I want you to wait around the corner and record anything threatening she says. I'm done with her crap." Apollo nodded, "A-Alright..." (E/n) approached, "We need to talk. Outside. Now."

I sighed, "Let's go then." As soon as we were outside with the door closed, she glared at me, "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you are a nobody. You have no talent. You can't dance!" I looked at her, "Says the one who copied my dance and still didn't get the part." She growled, "You only got the part because you're the teacher's bitch. You probably screwed both of them to get it!" I crossed my arms, "Who're you calling a bitch?!"
(Who gets that reference?)

She turned to opened the door, "Oh, a word of warning. Drop out of the show, or you may just literally, break a leg." I waited for five minutes before coming back in. Apollo sat by the mirrors looking shocked. I went up to him, "How much did you get?" He looked up at me, "All of it." I looked towards the teacher's office, "Then it's time to get rid of the bitch in sheep's clothing." Apollo stood and followed me to the office. I knocked on the door. I heard Phoenix's voice, "Come in." I opened the door and Apollo shut it behind him once we came in.

I spoke, "Sir, I have something I need to share with you concerning a threat." He looked a little startled, "A threat?" I nodded, "Play the recording Apollo." Apollo pressed play on his phone. The conversation from earlier repeated. After it finished, he stood, "Please tell (E/n) I need to talk to her." We exited the office and told (E/n). She smiled smugly as she went inside. I stood to the side of the door to listen in. I heard Phoenix, "You made a threat against another student, and for that, you will be expelled from this school. Go home." (E/n) shrieked, "What?! I can't believe this!" She stormed out of the office and left the class. After that, things calmed down.

Time Skip ~ One Month Later

Today was our first showing of Cinderella. During the month, I slowly fell in love with Apollo. Everyone but Apollo knew. Dancing with him was especially hard. I prepared my costume and went out for my first part. Vera and Trucy danced beautifully. The replacement for the step mother did well too. I hurried of stage and changed into my pretty costume. I went on for the ball scene. This is where is dance with Apollo. He came out and the music changed.

After a few more songs, the show came to an end. We came out and bowed before going back to our dressing rooms to change into normal clothes. When I came out, Apollo was waiting for me outside. He rubbed the back of his neck, "Can I talk to you?" I smiled, "Of course. What's up?" He didn't say anything. He led me to the fountain in front of the theater and stopped. He grabbed both of my hands, "(Y/n), I really...I really like you!" He blushed, "I mean, I know you probably don't like me back, so...!"

I laughed, "I like you too, Apollo!" He looked at me, "Y-You do?" I nodded, "Yes. You and your horns." He smiled, "Then, can I do this?" Before I could reply, he kissed me. It was sweet and full of passion. He pulled away. I giggled, "Yes, you can."

From then on, Apollo and I were closer than ever. Everyone in the class did get on Apollo for being so oblivious, but we all just laughed about it. He made me happier. In the end, we all lived happily ever after.

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