Ice Cold Injury (Apollo x Ice Skater! Reader)

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Ice Cold Injury (Apollo x Ice Skater! Reader)

Your Pov:

I skated around the rink watching the others practice their programs. I stopped at the wall and saw that Yuuri was performing his Eros program. He was handsome, yes, but not quite my type. His coach, Viktor, stood against the opposite wall. I turned to my left to see Yurio practicing his Agape program. They were both excellent skaters. I winced when Yuuri missed a rotation and fell. I pushed off the wall and continued skating around. I've been an ice skater since I was 9-10.

My coach was, in fact, Viktor. We were childhood friends, and once we grew older, he taught me everything I know about skating. We also dated for a while before mutually breaking up. After a while of Yuuri missing the same rotation, Viktor called me over, "(Y/n), can you show them how it's done?" I nodded, "Sure." Viktor played my music and I started my program.

I hit my ending pose and everyone clapped. Viktor smiled, "That's more like it." After that, we all finished up before changing and leaving the rink. As I picked up my bag, I noticed that my cell phone was missing. As I walked out of the locker room, I heard a thud, a screech, and then silence. I went to the rink and nearly fainted. There, laying on the ice in a pool of his own blood was Viktor.

I dropped my bag and slid over to him. His eyes were closed and blood was seeping from a wound in his torso. I screamed as loud as I could, "Anyone! Please, help! It's Viktor!" Almost immediately, the door to the locker room slammed open and footsteps hurried towards the rink. Yuuri and Yurio rushed in, almost falling when they stepped onto the ice. Yuuri finally made his way to me, "(Y/n), what happened?!" I shook my head frantically, "I-I don't know! I heard a lot of sounds coming from here, and when I came out, he was just lying here." I looked at Yurio.

He was on the phone with what I assumed to be 911. Yuuri pressed a shirt from his bag against the wound to stop the bleeding. I checked his pulse and it was slowly fading. I looked at Yuuri, "Apply more pressure. His pulse is slowing." He did as told. Soon enough, the paramedics came in and wheeled him away in an ambulance. Yuuri drove Yurio and I to the hospital. Once inside, we approached the receptionist. Yuuri spoke, "We're family friends of Viktor Nikiforov. What is his condition?"

The receptionist typed for a moment before shaking her head, "There is no word from the doctors yet. You'll just have to wait like the rest of them." We all nodded and sat down in the waiting room. Hours passed and we were all growing restless. Yuuri was tapping his foot against the ground and gripping the arms of the chair. Yurio, on the other hand, had his head down. His blonde hair covered his face from my view. Suddenly, the door to the hospital ward opened. A doctor stepped out, "For Mr. Nikiforov?" We stood up. Yuuri approached the doctor, all of us preparing ourselves for the worst.

The doctor spoke, "Mr. Nikiforov is in stable condition. We were able to stop the bleeding and stitch the wound. He should be fine in a few weeks. You may see him if you wish." We followed the doctor to the room. Inside, Viktor sat in the hospital bed. Sitting in chairs in front of him was a brunette woman and a blonde haired man. Yuuri coughed, causing them to look towards us. Viktor smiled, "Yuuri, (Y/n), Yurio, come in."

We all came in and sat on his right side. The blonde haired man spoke, "Did you three witness the crime?" Yuuri and Yurio shook their heads, but I spoke, "I don't know if it counts as witnessing it, but I heard several noises and was the first to stumble upon the scene." The man nodded, "I'll need you to testify in court then." I nodded, "Of course, Mr...?" He smiled, "Klavier Gavin and this-" He gestured to the brunette woman, "Is Ema Skye, the detective for this case." After all of the heavy trial conversation, they left.

I turned to Viktor, "Viktor, what happened back at the rink? You had all of us so worried!" Yurio cut in, "I was not worried!" We ignored him and Viktor spoke, "I don't know. Someone stabbed me in the side. I was running through an old program when I heard the sound of skates on the ice. Then, I was stabbed." Yuuri cur in, "Was it a man or woman? Tall or short? Anything?" Viktor shook his head, "Silly Yuuri, like I said, I heard the sound of skates and since my back was to them, I didn't see who they were." After a couple more questions, we decided to head back to the rink.

Cop cars and news vans were everywhere. Knowing who we were, the cops let us in. We got to the rink and I felt sick. The blood had been collected for a sample and removed, but the ice was now stained pink in that one spot. I turned to the benches and that's when I noticed something. My cellphone was lying between two benches. Without drawing any attention, I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I rejoined Yuuri and Yurio who were now talking to a brunette boy and girl. I spoke up, "What's going on?" The boy turned to me, "You're (Y/n)(L/n) right?"

I nodded, "Yes, why?" He cleared his throat, "I heard that you're going to be testifying at the trial." I looked at him, "Yes. I am." After that, he proceeded to ask me the same questions as Mr. Gavin did. I knew it was a bad time, but my thoughts consisted of things like "This guys cute!", "I wonder if he skates?", and a lot of other things. We were eventually shown out and went back to the hospital.

The trial eventually came and I testified. At first, the prosecution tried to accuse me, but the defense (who was the same cute guy) defended me and found the real guilty party. The guilty party was none other than JJ. It was a shock to us all, but in a way, we knew that it was not impossible. JJ was close to taking the spotlight from Viktor and he tried to finish the job. The weapon was found to be a sharpened ice skating blade.

After the trial, we held a party at the rink. Viktor healed up fine and was back skating on the rink. I laughed as him and Yuuri tango skated across the ice. I noticed Apollo (I learned his name during the trial), sitting on the benches with his skates on. I skated up to the wall and called out to him, "Come and join us. Look, even Trucy can do it!" I gestured to Trucy skating around with Yurio. Apollo stood shakily and stepped out onto the ice.

He held the wall for support until I grabbed his hands. I pulled him around until he got the hang of it. I turned to see how he was doing when he slid right into me. Our lips touched and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him and felt his arms wrap around my waist. I pulled away and laughed, "Catch me if you can, Apollo!" I skated away as he skated towards me. All was good.

A/N: Would you guys be interested in a Yuri on Ice one shot book? I think that I could start one, but I would just need requests and stuff from you guys. Please let me know if you want me to start a Yuri on Ice book!

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