I Can See The Light (Gumshoe x Reader)

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I Can See The Light (Gumshoe x Reader)

Requested by GeekyScout

I'm sorry this took so long! I've been getting so many requests! You guys can still request, just make sure it's on the request page so that I can find it when I am ready to write it. Thank you!

Your Pov:

Solving the case of the murder of Mia Fey was long and tedious. Every detective in the precinct was on it. That included Dick Gumshoe and I. We'd been good friends since childhood. He was always there to protect me from the bullies, and I was always there to help him with anything he needed. Mia's case brought us closer than ever. I actually snapped back at Mr. Edgeworth in court during our testimony when he called Gumshoe out for a mistake in the investigation. Everyone was surprised. However, being that close came with a price. I slowly began to fall in love with him.

I knew I had no chance, but I stayed hopeful. Today, I was going to talk to him about it. I sat at my desk filling out various reports. Gumshoe was with Mr. Edgeworth at another crime scene doing an investigation. An hour had passed and I just finished up the last report. Footsteps echoed around and Gumshoe entered with Mr. Edgeworth behind him. Gumshoe went to his desk and Mr. Edgeworth headed to his office. I put the last report away and went over to Gumshoe, "Hey, how did the investigation go?" He sighed.

"Well (Y/n), we found a load of evidence, but none of it leads back to the defendant. We found a switch blade, a bloodied piece of rope, and a bottle necklace." I tilted my head, "Maybe, it was set up that way? Like, the real killer made it look that way?" He nodded, "That's it! I need to go update Mr. Edgeworth!" Before he could go, I grabbed his wrist, "Hey, could we talk? Alone?" He nodded and lead me to the break room. I shut the door and sat down. I sighed and looked at him, "I...I need to confess something to you. I hope you don't hate me after this..."

He looked confused, "I could never hate you, pal. What's up?" I quickly spoke, "I really like you! I'm sorry, please don't hate me! I know you probably-" I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. Gumshoe was kissing me! I pulled him closer and tangled my hands in his hair. After a few seconds, we pulled away from each other. He smiled at me, "I've liked you for the longest time! I just thought that you'd never like me back!" I smiled back, "Well, you know how I feel now!" With that, he pulled me into another kiss. This one was passionate and soft. It was perfect.

He moved from my lips and began leaving butterfly kisses on my jawline and neck. His hands rested under my shirt on my waist. I moved my head to the side to give him better access. Soon enough, my shirt was on the floor. He was just about to remove his, when the break room door unlocked and opened. I scrambled to grab my shirt and put it on. I blushed in embarrassment. Mr. Edgeworth stood at the door. He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I pay you to do your jobs. Not have relations in the employee break room! Get back to work before I lower your salaries." I left the break room and headed back to my desk. I covered the marks with my sweater. I laughed when Mr. Edgeworth dragged Gumshoe out of the break room by his ear. Gumshoe waved at me and I laughed. This job never gets old.

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