The Student Surpasses The Teacher Pt 2

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The Student Surpasses The Teacher Pt 2

A/N: You guys have asked for it! So here it is! I hope you enjoy it.

Your Pov:

I sat in the dining room eating breakfast with Edgeworth. Mr. Von Karma was out, running another trial.  After I finished eating, I bid Edgeworth goodbye and left to do some things. First, I went to Mia's office. We talked and got caught up on each other's lives. Then, she asked about the mark on my collarbone. I laughed nervously, "O-Oh, that's nothing, sis. Just a cut." She looked at me like she didn't believe me, but dropped it anyways. Soon enough, I left and headed back to the house.

I made my way inside and shut the door. As I did, I heard the sound of something tapping on the ground. I turned and the sound stopped. Mr. Von Karma stood, looking at me. In one hand he held the top of his cane. And in the other, held under his arm, were some books. He tapped his cane on the ground, "Where were you, boy?" I couldn't tell him the truth because he hated my sister with a passion. It was all because she was a defense attorney. I spoke, "I was, uh, taking a walk to relax, sir."

He shook his head, "Go study. We'll talk about your lying skills later." I nodded and started walking past him. As I did, he struck my lower back with his cane. I stumbled forward and winced. I made my way to the room we used for studying and sat down. I opened a law book and began to read, trying to ignore the pain in my back. After about 30 minutes, Mr. Von Karma came in. He shut the door behind him and locked it. He got into the drawer and pulled out the same ruler and letter opener I had seen countless times before. He grinned.

"It's time to review. Let's see..." He asked me some questions and I was able to answer them all correctly. Then, he asked me a question about something I hadn't even read about yet. I stumbled over my words trying to come up with answer. He chuckled, "You need to study, don't you? Anyways..." He grabbed the ruler, "Roll up your shirt." He had me roll up my shirt until my abdomen was visible. The ruler slapped against the skin and left a bright red mark in it's wake. He then took the letter opener and placed it at the top of the red mark. He dragged it down from the top of the mark, to the bottom.

The cut began to bleed a little. Before I could roll my shirt down, he placed his finger over the cut and collected the blood that came out. His hand was cold and I shuddered in response. He grabbed a tissue and tossed it to me, "Go get cleaned up." I stood up and left the room. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up the cut. It didn't bleed a lot. I disinfected it and put a bandage on it. I rolled my shirt back down and went out of the bathroom. The house was silent as I headed back. The room was empty. I sat down at the table and started reading the law book in front of me.

After about half an hour, I finished reading the book. I placed it back on the shelf and grabbed another. I sat down, but before I could read it, I heard the room's door close. I looked up to see Mr. Von Karma. I closed the book and stood up, "Sir." He looked at me, "Don't beat around the bush, boy. Where did you go today? Edgeworth has already told me, but I want to hear it come out of your mouth." I sighed, "I went to visit my sister, sir. She asked me to visit." He shook his head, "Even if she is family, I will not allow this to go unpunished. A defense attorney is still a defense attorney, no matter what their relation to you is, boy."

I looked away, "I understand, sir." He chuckled, "But as I said, this will not go unpunished. I must do something to get you to really understand." He placed the ruler and letter opener back in the drawer before reaching for something else. I watched as his pulled a stun gun from the drawer. This was going to be so embarrassing. I've never admitted this to anyone, but I have a bit of an electro kink. This stun gun punishment is not going to be doing me any favors.

He turned to me, "Now, I'm being lenient here. It's on the middle level, but give me any lip and I'll make it higher." I nodded, "Yes, sir," He had me remove my shirt and stand in front of a wall. He turned it on and immediately pressed it into the skin on my side. I bit back a moan as he then moved it to the other side. He laughed and pressed it to the cut on my abdomen. I bit into my lip hard enough to draw blood. The electricity didn't hurt, but like I said, the stun gun wasn't doing me any favors.

After 5 minutes of this, he stopped. I leaned against the wall and panted. He tossed me my shirt and I put it back on. He smirked, "Have you learned your lesson?" I nodded.

"Yes, sir."

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