The 6 Dancing Princesses (Cobbler! Phoenix x Reader)

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The 6 Dancing Princesses (Cobbler! Phoenix x Reader)

A/N: So, most of you may know what this is going to be about. I didn't have enough characters to make twelve believable siblings, so I cut it down to six, including the reader.

No One's Pov:

The king - Edgeworth - sat on his throne listening to the ambassador speak about another gala, "And so, as chief emissary of the majestic kingdom of Bulovia, which is known for its abundance of pears, potatoes and peasants, I am authorised by my courageous king and my magnificent queen to hereby invite the princesses of King Randolph to a royal gala. We have invited princesses from far and wide to this extraordinary ball." The ambassador was interrupted by the main door opening and two young girls running in. The first to speak was the small brunette girl, "Papa, look what I found!" The second was a slightly older raven-haired girl.

"You won't believe it! Pearly, wait for me!" The ambassador tried to speak, "As I was saying-" He was cut off by the younger girl, "A blue-winged beetle. It makes a strange noise when it– see?" The beetle flew towards the king, who tilted to the side to avoid it. It then flew in front of the ambassador, "Your Majesty, as I was say–" He swatted at the bug, "Oh! Ugh!" The two girls proceeded to chase the beetle out of the room. Then, two more girls entered from the right side hallway. One had bright red hair while the other had black hair.

The black haired girl called out, "Playing through! Just be a second, Papa!" The ambassador tried speaking again, "Your Highness, I really think perhaps this is not–" Then, the croquet ball knocked the crown off of the king's head. Edgeworth chuckled, "Woah! Dahlia!" The redheaded princess smiled, "Sorry! Too much wrist." They played through as the ambassador spoke, "Those are your daughters?" Edgeworth nodded, "A few of them." The ambassador shook his head, "Rambunctious, aren't they?" Then, the princesses in the room were knocked over by the two younger ones. They laughed with each other. The ambassador scoffed.

"Humph! Your daughters are hardly proper princesses." The ambassador sighed, "Perhaps another ball, your highness." The ambassador turned and walked out, mumbling to himself, "Princesses? Hm! More like wild animals." The king sighed and watched his daughters. About an hour later, it was time for lunch. Edgeworth sat at the table waiting for his daughters. The door opened and his eldest daughter, Mia, came in. She sat in the seat to his left, "Hello, Papa."

He looked at her, "Mia." The door opened again and his second eldest, Dahlia came in. She sat down next to Mia before speaking to him, "How are you, Papa?" Iris came in soon after with a book in her hands. She bumped into Mia and Edgeworth chuckled, "Iris." Iris sat down, "Papa." Finally, Maya and Pearls came in. Pearls sat in the seat to the king's right and Maya sat next to her. The king looked down the table to see one empty chair, "Where is (Y/n)?"

(Y/n)' s cat jumped on the table. Edgeworth shook his head, "(C/n), off the table please." The cat knocked over a spoon before being grasped by two hands. It was (Y/n).

To your Pov

I smiled, "Sorry I'm late, Papa." I sat down and we all began to eat lunch. I had a conversation with Iris about her book. I heard a the sound of a spoon tapping on glass. We all went quiet and turned to Papa. He sighed, "Ahem, it's been pointing out to me that, um, you could be doing more to be, um, well, proper princesses." Mia tilted her head, "Like what, papa?" Papa tried to come up with something to say, "Well, like, uh, well, I'd, perhaps, uhh, um–" The dining room doors opened to reveal the butler, "The royal cobbler has arrived."

I stood up from my chair as my sisters made their way out to the courtyard. Papa called out, "Wait, girls! They're just shoes!" Iris and Maya gasped, "Just shoes?!" Papa sighed, "Aren't they?" I giggled and kissed his cheek, "They're dancing shoes, Papa." I turned and followed after my sisters.

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