Without You (Edgeworth x Suicidal! Reader)

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Without You (Edgeworth x Suicidal! Reader)

A/N: Attention! This chapter may contain mentions of depression, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, etc. If this may cause a relapse or trigger you, please skip this chapter.

Requested by Offical-Lucy

Your Pov:

I sat in my room, in the dark, contemplating my decisions and what to do next. Just 2 weeks ago, in the Prosecutor's Office, a note was found in Edgeworth's office. It read: Miles Edgeworth chooses death. Everyone grieved for a few days before getting back to their lives. Everyone but me. I stayed inside almost everyday. I'm not a big crier, but I have never cried as much as I did that week. I was so close to Miles. The nights I couldn't sleep, I'd listen to all the bands he introduced me to. I felt empty. Alone. I felt like I was adrift on a sea of emptiness. Like I was floating in a slowly sinking lifeboat.

My long sleeves covered up all the memories that the scars left. They no longer hurt. I was numb. I barely ate or slept. Taking showers turned into hours of crying. I was miserable. Everyone tried to help, but they only made it worse. They couldn't understand. So, I shut them out. I stopped answering the phone and the door. I had hit a low point more recently than I wanted to admit and it made me realize how miserable I actually was. I didn't want to be alive anymore. I had a bottle of sleeping pills in the cabinet and a suicide note on my nightstand. My suicide note had tear and blood stains spotting it.

It read:

To whom it may concern,

If you're reading this note, then I am most likely dead. None of this was anyone's fault. It was mine. At first, I was angry at everyone. I was angry at those who grieved too much and those who didn't grieve enough. Then, I became depressed. I didn't sleep because of the guilt.

My sense of normality had been shattered, and now I've written all of this in past-tense. What God knows is in the present. Stop looking for clues that aren't there. Someday...someday you'll accept it. You'll never understand, but you'll accept it. It will be different, but it will be ok.


I had come to the decision that I was going to do it. Miles isn't coming back and I'm not getting any better. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the pills out of the cabinet. I went back to the bed and sat down. I sighed and opened the bottle. I dumped the pills into my hand and stared at them. I closed my eyes and raised the pills to my mouth. Then, there was the sound of the door slamming open. I jumped and the pills fell out of my hands. My eyes flew open. I gasped in shock.

Miles stood in the doorway, staring at me with wide eyes. He approached me, "What the hell were you thinking?" I stared at him, "I-I thought you were dead! Your note..." He sighed, "I'm here. I'm alive. Now, what happened?" I silently handed him my suicide note. He read over it before looking at me, "None of this was your fault. It's mine. I left and in turn, this happened." I hugged him, "Don't say that. I made this choice, but now that you're alive, I don't want to do it." He held me, "That's good. Everything is alright. You're going to be ok."

I sniffled as tears ran down my face. These weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of happiness. Miles was alive and well. He was here and I'm thankful for that. My lifeboat was no longer sinking. My grey ocean, was now blue and full of emotion. I no longer felt alone.

I felt...relieved.

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