Voice (Apollo x Reader)

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Voice (Apollo x Reader)

A/N: Apollo and the reader have been dating for about 2 years. Apollo decides to say something important to her.

Your Pov:

I held Apollo's hand as we walked through the park. The sun had set and fire flies were flying over the surfaces of the ponds and flowers. We stopped at a bench and sat down. Apollo turned to me, "(Y/n), we've been together for a while and I wanted to tell you that...I love you." I froze, not knowing what to say. I couldn't say that I loved him back, but I was in love with him. He looked at me with expecting eyes. I sighed.

"Apollo, summer comes and winter fades. Here we are just the same. We don't need pressure and don't need change. Let's not give the game away." He held my hands, "What do you mean?" I smiled sadly, "There used to be an empty space...a photograph without a face. But with your presence and your grace, everything falls into place." He knew about my previous relationship and how bad it was. He didn't speak. He just stared.

I continued, "Just please don't say you love me because I might not say it back. It doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that." I held his hand, "There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at, but just please don't say you love me because I might not say it back." He smiled, holding my hand tighter.

"It's ok. I understand (Y/n)." I bit my lip, "Heavy words are hard to take. Under pressure, precious things can break. And how we feel is hard to fake. So let's not give the game away." Both of our gazes fell to the scar on the inside of my elbow.

We both knew the story behind it. An argument, a harsh grip, broken bones pushed through skin, and freedom. Apollo lifted my arm, placing a kiss on the scar. I blushed lightly. I looked up at the stars in the sky, "And the fools rush in. And I've been the fool before.
This time I'm gonna slow it down because I think this could be more. The thing I'm looking for..." I leaned my head on Apollo's shoulder.

"There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at, but please don't say you love me, because I might not say it back." Apollo's arm rested on my shoulders, "I will wait however long it takes for you to want to say it back. I'll wait forever if that's what I have to do." I snuggled closer to him.

"Thank you for understanding."

That night, I think the stars shined a little brighter.

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