Church Bells (Glen Elg x Reader)

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A\N: Would you look at that?! A new character! I finally found some good inspiration for this one!

Your Pov:

My mother and bridesmaids flitted around, helping me get ready. I was getting married today. Admittedly, I didn't love him, but he was rich.

Jenny grew up wild, like a blackfoot daisy

Out in the shack with a blue tick hound

Broke as hell, but blessed with beauty

The kind that a rich man can't turn down

She caught the eye of an oil man dancing

One summer night in a dime store dress

She had the looks, he had the mansion

And you can figure out the rest

I stood outside the church, waiting. I could hear everyone talking inside. My father came out and stood next to me. Then, the music began.

It was all roses, dripping in diamonds

Sipping on champagne

She was all uptown, wearing that white gown

Taking his last name

The wedding went off without a hitch. Everyone was overjoyed, except for me. I wasn't angry, or upset. I was just neutral about all of it.

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing

And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing

Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright

And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing

Yeah, they're ringing

Life went back to normal, or, as normal as it could be. To keep up my reputation, I threw parties and ate at the country clubs. However, Glen started to change. He began to gamble his money away on horse races. Bidding on a horse and losing. Then, the drinking began.

Jenny was hosting Junior League parties

And having dinner at the country club

Everyone thought they were Ken and Barbie

But Ken was always getting way too drunk

Saturday night, after a few too many
He came home ready to fight

And all his money could never save Jenny

From the devil living in his eyes

He came home drunk and angry one time and that's when the abuse began. Constant slaps, punches, and kicks rained down on my body leaving my skin to look like dark storm clouds on a rainy day. The rain was my blood and the clouds were my bruises. Everyone expected us to be perfect and so, I hid everything.

It was all bruises, covered in makeup
Dark sunglasses

And that next morning, sitting in the back pew

Praying with the baptist

Covering my bruises and staying quiet became the new norm for me. No one even noticed a thing. It was then, that something in me snapped. If no one was going to notice, or help me, then I'd take care of the problem myself.

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing

And up in the loft, that whole choir singing, singing

Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright

You just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing

Yeah, they're ringing

That night, I went with him to the bar. Around my neck was a bottle necklace I bought from an antique store. Inside the bottle necklace was poison. It was a poison that couldn't be traced in any way. It had no smell, taste, or residue. He started betting on his horses again. I quietly uncorked the bottle necklace and poured the poison into his glass. He took one drink and started to cough. After a few minutes, he dropped dead in his chair.

Jenny slipped something in his Tennessee whiskey

No law man was ever gonna find

And how he died is still a mystery

But he hit a woman for the very last time

They could never pin his murder on me. In his obituary, they listed his cause of death as alcohol poisoning, or overdrinking, in other words. His funeral was planned and on the day of it, I sat in the church pews, watching.

She could hear those church bells ringing, ringing

Standing there in a black dress singing, singing

Fold your hands and close your eyes
Yeah, it's all gonna be alright

And just listen to the church bells ringing, ringing

Yeah, they're ringing...

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