My Husband (Kristoph x Reader)

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A/N: This takes place after Kristoph goes to jail. The reader has been married to Kristoph for 2 years.

Your Pov:

I followed the guard through the winding corridors as we made our way to the visitation room. Soon enough, a door came into view. The guard opened the door and shut it after I went in. I sat in the chair and waited. I looked down and fiddled with the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. Then, the door opened again and another guard brought in Kristoph. His hands were cuffed in front of him. He sat down in the other chair and the guard left.

He spoke, "How are you dear? You haven't written to me lately." I spoke, "I'm fine. I've just been busy with work." He cleared his throat, "Have you been seeing someone else?" I gripped the locket around my neck. It held a picture of us from our wedding. I shook my head, "I told you on the day we wed, I was gonna love you until I was dead. I made you wait until our wedding night. That was the first and the last time I wore white."

He looked at me, "I remember, dear. You looked so very beautiful. But I fear that my situation may push you towards divorce." I frowned, "Well, if the ties that bind ever do come loose, tie them in a knot like a hangman's noose." He tilted his head a bit, "So you're saying you'd die if we ever parted?" I nodded, "I'll go to heaven or I'll go to hell before I'll see you with someone else." He chuckled, "Then you have nothing to worry about my dear. It seems great minds think alike." I spoke, "But, if this were to hypothetically happen, put me in the ground. Put me six foot down."

I continued, "And let the stone say: 'Here lies the girl whose only crutch was loving one man just a little too much'." I sighed, "But if you go before I do, I'm gonna tell the grave digger that he better dig two." He looked at me and that's when I noticed a strange look pass through his eyes. He spoke, "You know I wouldn't want you to feel that way, right? I know that you may love me, but, I can't see you wasting your dying breath because I died." I bit my lip, "Well, it won't be whiskey, it won't be meth. It'll be your name on my last breath. If divorce or death ever do us part, the coroner will call it a broken heart."

A few months later...

I sat in the visitation room again, but today, it was for a different reason. Today was Kristoph's execution. I had come to say goodbye. The door opened and Kristoph stepped in. His hands were no longer cuffed like before. He sat across from me at the table, "I thought you weren't going to come." I sighed, "I couldn't just not say goodbye to you. I love you. I took your name when I took those vows. I meant them back then and I mean them right now." I held his hands in mine and smiled sadly as I looked at his wedding band, "If the ties that bind ever do come loose..." He spoke, "If "forever" ever ends for you..."

I gripped his hands tighter, "If that ring gets a little too tight..." Then, he pulled away and took off his ring before placing it in my hand, "You might as well read me my last rites." After that, the guard took him away. I went home with a heavy heart as I couldn't bring myself to watch the execution. Once I got home, I headed upstairs to a room I'd now have to share alone. I sat at my vanity and opened my jewellery box.

I pulled out the locket and slid the ring onto the chain. Then, I slipped the necklace onto my neck. I stood and went into the bathroom. All of my memories of the visits, our wedding, and so many more ran through my mind. I opened the medicine cabinet, feeling my heart beat a hundred miles a minute. I grabbed the bottle of pills off the shelf and popped it open. I emptied the pills into my hand and then swallowed them. I sat on the cold tile floor, clutching the locket and ring in my hand as I had one last thought.

"I told you on the day we wed, I was gonna love you until I'm dead..."

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