Awkward Situations (Godot x Reader)

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Author's Note: Godot isn't in prison in this one. This is as if the court let him off on self defense. This takes place right after Bridge to the Turnabout. I will also be referring to Godot as both Diego and Godot.

Your Pov:

I sat in the Wright and Co. office with Phoenix, Maya, Edgeworth, and Larry. We were celebrating Edgeworth's birthday since no one else did. I tried to convince Diego to come, but he declined, saying that Maya and Phoenix wouldn't want to see him. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Maya talking, "What's the most embarrassing thing you've done?"

Everyone gave input, though Edgeworth was somewhat unwilling. Maya turned to me, "What about you, (Y/n)?" I went to answer, "Well...I..." Suddenly, my phone rang. Maya looked over, "You still call your dad 'daddy'?" Phoenix and Edgeworth shared a look before looking at me.

I picked up the phone, knowing exactly who it was, "Yes, Diego?" Maya's eyes widened while Phoenix choked on his spit. Edgeworth looked mildly unnerved and Larry was patting Phoenix on the back. I held back a laugh, "What do you need?" His voice sounded like he just got up from a nap, "Can you pick me up some coffee from the store on your way home, Kitten?" I sighed, "We're out again? I swear you drink at least 10 cups a day. But yeah. Sure."

He chuckled, "What can I say? I'm a caffeine addict. I need that bitter, dark drink." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, Yeah. I'll be back later." We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I turned to Maya, "Does that answer your question?" She blinked, "Y-Yeah..." I stood, "Well, I should get going. I'll see you guys later."

I left the office and headed to the store. Once there, I grabbed a couple of things we needed: milk, bread, ibuprofen, etc. I headed to the coffee aisle and started looking for the brand I needed. Diego was very particular when it came to his coffee. He only drank a specific brand with a specific roast. That brand was blue mountain dark roasted. As I was looking for it, I felt someone staring at me.

I shook it off and continued my search. I finally found the bag and put it in the cart. As I walked away, I felt the same eyes on me. My phone rang and I answered, knowing who it was, "What's up Diego?" I heard a door close, "You already at the store kitten?" I sighed, "Yes. I just spent 10 minutes looking for your coffee grounds. I think someone was looking at me too." He laughed, "Blue mountain is exclusive. You remember our word right?" Our word was 'red'. Diego had me use it for emergencies like getting robbed, being followed, etc. I would send it over text and hope that he would come.

I went to the next aisle, "Yes. I remember. I'm gonna check out now." I hung up and checked out. As I walked out, I felt the same stare again. I was passing the alley next to the store when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me in. Thinking the worst, I quickly send a text saying 'red' to Diego. I was pressed against the brick wall by a man. He was probably as tall as Edgeworth. I tried to move but stopped when I felt something metal press against my neck.

The man moved closer, "Not a sound. I'd hate to slit your pretty little throat." I wanted to move, but the blade of the knife was right against my neck. I stayed silent and hoped that Diego would find me. The man's hand went around the back of my neck, to the clasp of my necklace. I gasped and the man pulled his hand back, shoving the knife back towards my throat as he did so.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But it never came. I opened my eyes, "D...Diego?" Diego stood in front of me. He was tightly grasping the man's wrist where the knife was. His white hair and the visor made him seem more intimidating. The man shook, "P-Please don't hurt me..!" Diego's visor glowed brightly in the dark alleyway, "Don't hurt you? That's rich. Like coffee with too much creamer." He pushed the man, "Now, beat it. I don't feel like getting my hands dirty right now."

The man scrambled out of the alley and out of sight. Diego turned to me, "You alright kitten?" I nodded, "Y-Yeah. I think so..." I touched my neck. Luckily, it wasn't bleeding or cut. We picked up the groceries and walked out of the alley. We walked home together in a comfortable silence. That was until Diego spoke, "Anything worth while happen at Wright's?" I nodded and smiled, remembering it.

"Well...have I got a story to tell you!"

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