If They Were Yandere (Headcanons)

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If They Were Yandere (Headcanons)

Requested by THEUNKNOWN046


-He's the classic vanilla yandere

-He'll get rid of anyone who tries to take you from him. Even Edgeworth.

-Once he has you, he'll keep you under lock and key.

-When he has company or clients, he makes sure to tightly gag you.

-Once he feels like you won't runaway, he'll let you roam on an ankle chain.

-If you try to escape, he won't punish you per se, but he will leave you in one of his rooms in the dark with nothing but silence.


-He is the formal yandere.

-He'll send you fancy gifts like jewellery and clothes.

-He won't keep a shrine, but he'll have one or two perfume bottles that you liked.

-Edgeworth has connections to everything, so he'd have someone to do his dirty work for him.

-He'll follow you places, then pretend to bump into you from the other direction just to see you.

-If a person he wants dead works with him, he just treats them so badly to the point of making them want to quit.


-He's the submissive/baby yandere

-Any time you're around someone he deems a rival, he'll pout at your back and then glare at the person you talked to.

-This boy definitely has a shrine in his bedroom. It consists of a pen you bit up, a hairtie with your hair on it, and bandaid with your blood on it.

-He won't keep you in his basement, but he will take the stalking to a max. He'll even take pictures if he wants to.

-He hangs said pictures on the inside of his closet door so he can see them when he gets ready for work in the morning.

-He'll drop a hand-picked bouquet of flowers on your doorstep since he can't afford expensive gifts.


-He's the pervert yandere.

-He likes to take pictures of you sleeping, in your underwear, and just getting out of the shower in a towel.

-When a cold shower doesn't work for him, he uses the pictures he took of you. It usually works.

-He's filthy rich, but in terms of gifts, he almost always sends lingerie. Most of the time, they're made of lace.

-When he locks you in his fancy house, he'll try to lay on the moves, but he won't push his limits.

-He'll keep trying each day until you eventually give in. When you do, he's on top of the world.


-He's the deadly yandere.

-He's not afraid to shank someone if he needs to.

-He'll send you a combination of jewelry and fancy dresses with the occasional pieces of lingerie.

-Anyone he deems a threat is already dead in the water. There is no hope left for them. RIP.

-He'll keep you chained up by your ankle at all times. He's also soundproofed the room you're in so that he doesn't have to gag you.

-He won't physically hurt you, but he'll play mind games with you. Twisting your thoughts until you beg him to stop.


-He's the drugging yandere.

-At first, he would send gifts like chocolate and candy.

-Then, he began sending the same thing, but drugged it.

-After you've been drugged enough, he'll take you to his house and chain you up. He takes every precaution.

-Every piece of food and drop of liquid is roofied. He's decided that keeping you drugged up is the safest way to keep you quiet and all his.

-He won't drug you everyday in fear of overdosing you. He'll wait about two days anf then drug you again.

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