Blackmail (Jake Marshall x Self-Harm Reader)

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Blackmail (Jake Marshall x Self-Harm Reader)

A/N: Attention! This chapter contains mentions of self-harm, depression, etc. If this makes you uncomfortable or you think it may trigger a relapse, please skip this chapter! Anyways, the reader lives with Jake as his housemate. She works as a detective and works along side Jake.

Your Pov:

I woke up to my alarm blaring a random song. I sat up and yawned. My bedroom door opened and I looked over to see Jake. He looked at me, "Rise and shine, bambina! We've got an investigation to get to." I pushed him out of the room and grabbed my clothes before hopping in the shower. The warm water ran down my body. I grabbed a loofah and put some soap on it before scrubbing my skin. I winced as the soap made contact with my arm. I looked at my arm and sighed. Old and new cuts littered the skin there. On the shower shelf was the razor I made them with.

I picked it up and stared at it. My wrist began to itch and I had to make it stop. I slid the razor across the skin 3 times. I cleaned the razor and put it back. The pain was something I no longer felt. I got out of the shower and dried off before bandaging my wrist. I got dressed and threw on a coat before heading to the kitchen. Jake sat at the table reading the newspaper and eating an apple. I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the counter and put it in my purse, "You almost done there, cowboy? We're gonna be late." He put the newspaper down and stood up, "Let's hit the dusty trail, bambina." I followed him outside.

Parked in front of our house was Zippy - Jake's motorcycle. That thing was his pride and joy. He got on and I sat behind him. I placed his hat in my bag and handed him a helmet before putting on mine, "Let's go." He revved the bike and we sped off. I rested my head against his back as we sped through the streets. After a few minutes, we arrived at the precinct. He parked the bike and I took off the helmet. I handed him his hat, "I'll see you later, cowboy." He nodded, "Alright, bambina." I headed inside and went to my desk. Case reports covered every inch of it.

I sat down and got to work. Within half an hour, I was able to clear up over half of the reports. As I started to work on more, another detective called out to me, "Detective (L/n)! The chief wants to see you!" I nodded towards them and stood up. My arm started to throb as I trembled. I did not want to go to the chief's office alone. I pulled my jacket around me tightly. I felt like my legs were going to collapse with every step. I reached the chief's office and knocked on the door. His voice called out, "Name and business?" I sighed, "Detective (L/N), sir." He spoke, "Come in, detective."

I opened the door and stepped inside. Chief Gant sat behind his desk. He smirked, "Close the door, detective." I bit my lip and nervously closed the door. He stood, "Come here." I shakily made my way over to him, "Y-Yes, sir?" He chuckled, "I've heard some rumors going around. Hopefully you'll clear them up for me?" I frowned, "What rumors, sir?" He circled me, "Oh, let me see...I remember now. You and Officer Marshall. What is your relationship with him?" I tensed, "We live together, sir. Nothing else." He scoffed, "You ride to work with him on his motorcycle?" I avoided looking at him, "Yes, sir."

He shook his head, "This just won't do, (F/n). You are one of my best detectives. I can't have your work being tainted by that lowlife." My eyes widened, "With all due respect, sir. I-" He cut me off, "Have you forgotten already? I know what you did. I have the evidence as well. Don't test me." I gasped, "The SL-9 Incident. When I...when I-" He cut me off with a laugh, "When you pushed Neil Marshall to his death!" I shook my head, "No! You wouldn't!" He smirked, "I would. Now, I want you to cut off all contact with Jake Marshall. If you refuse, I will release this information to him and to the public. He will hate you and the people will ridicule you for getting an innocent man sentenced to death!"

(Ema was still there, but Gant forged evidence and put your DNA on it along with Ema's)

I looked at him with desperate eyes, "I-I'll do it! Just don't tell him!" He nodded, "Good. Now, get out of my office detective. I have nothing else to say." I left the office in a hurry and clocked out for my break. I usually sat with Jake during my break, but I had other things to focus on. I headed to the house and started packing my things. I packed away all of my clothes and put the rest of my stuff into a duffel bag. I struggled a bit with the motorcycle because of the weight, but I managed to get to a hotel near the precinct. I bought a room for a two week long stay. I dropped my bags in the room and went back to the precinct. I walked silently to my desk.

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