Childish Testimony (Edgeworth x Child! reader)

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Childish Testimony (Edgeworth x Child! reader)

A/N: The reader is 5-6 in this chapter.

Requested by JadeOchnio

Your Pov:

I sat on a chair in a room with two policemen. They brought me here after finding me with Mama. They tried to explain what happened, but I already knew that she wasn't coming back. The door opened and a man in a a magenta suit came in. He stopped in front of me, "Hello. I'm prosecutor Edgeworth. Can you tell me about what happened to your mother?" I sniffled and nodded, "I was sleeping in mama's bed when I got woken up by a loud sound. I went downstairs and heard my mama yelling at someone. I couldn't understand what she was saying." He nodded, "What happened after that?" I continued.

"I went to the room where the yelling was coming from and peeked inside. I saw my mama and a stranger inside. The stranger hit mama with something and she slumped to the ground. They jumped out the window and I went to mama until the policemen came." I flinged myself into his arms. I held his coat in my hands. Then, I felt an arm holding me and a hand rubbing my back. He spoke, "It's alright. We're going to go to some people who will get the stranger who hurt your mother. I just need you to tell them what you told me, ok?"

I nodded and he set me back down. Then, he led me to a big room with a lot of people. He lifted me onto a crate behind a tall pole. He slightly smiled at me and moved to a table on my left. A man with spoke hair was on my right. Mr. Edgeworth spoke, "This witness saw the moment of the crime with her very own eyes, your honor." He looked to the man on my right, "I also ask that the defense be softer in their cross examination, as she is a child." A man with a beard nodded, "Of course, Mr. Edgeworth. The witness may start with the testimony."

Then, I repeated everything I said to Mr. Edgeworth. The spikey haired man questioned me, "So you didn't see this stranger's face?!" I flinched back, almost falling off the crate. Mr. Edgeworth spoke up, "Wright, she is a child. Control your tone. You're scaring her." I spoke up, "I didn't see the stranger's face. It was dark." After that, they took me back to the room I was in before. It was a long time before Mr. Edgeworth came back.

He knelt down in front of me, "We got the stranger who hurt your mother. You're safe now." I smiled and hugged him, "Thank you!" Then I frowned. I have no family left. I spoke, "D-Do I have to go to a foster home?" Mr. Edgeworth shook his head, "No. I've decided to take you in." I nodded excitedly, "Ok, daddy!" He picked me up, "Now, why don't we go get stuff for your new room? How does the Pink Princess sound to you?" I smiled, "Yeah! Pink Princess!"

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