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With (Y/n) a few hours earlier...

I sat in the dusty room listening to the three men talk. Von Karma sighed, "How did she escape?" The first man spoke, "Who?" Von Karma growled, "Who? The princess! You moron! Idiot!" The second man spoke, "The princess is still here." Von Karma chuckled, "Then open the door." The lock on the door clicked and the door swung open. Von Karma entered and looked at me, "So she is." I spoke up, "Why am I here, Von Karma?" He laughed, "I don't want to ruin the plan, but if you're going to be my future wife, then I guess I must."

He grinned, "I'm going to be king. Just marry me and your people will be taken care of. No more starvation, no more poverty, everyone will finally be happy." Then, there was a thud at the window. One of the boards had slipped down. He turned to the two men in the other room, "What are you waiting for you simpletons?! Go look!" The two men walked out and returned 5 minutes later with a familiar man in their arms. I gasped, "Miles!" He looked at me, "(Y/n), you're alright-" Then, the other man hit him on the back of the head and knocked him out.

Von Karma held me back, "Just say the magic words. Your people will be happy and...I'll let your little tutor leave here without a scratch." I sighed, "Fine, but let him go. Just don't hurt him." Von Karma nodded, left the room, and locked the door. I kneeled down next to Miles and rested his head on my lap. I sniffled, "I'm so, so sorry Miles..."

Currently...With Iris...

Iris stood in the throne room talking with Phoenix and the queen. The queen smiled, "Everything seems to be in order. Thank you, Ambassador. The kingdoms will be officially joined after the wedding tomorrow. Are you ready, Darling?" Iris bit her lip, "Ready...ha..ha, well..." Then, the throne room's doors opened. Von Karma stepped in, "Grab her! She's an imposter!" The queen spoke, "Von Karma, what are you doing?" Iris struggled against a guard, "Get your hands off me!" Phoenix spoke up, "Release the princess!"

Von Karma shook his head, "She's a fake! A common pauper!" The queen's eyes widened, "Are you telling me I don't know my own daughter?" Von Karma spoke, "I only just discovered the truth myself, Your Majesty. Have you not wondered why we haven't seen Miles lately? He's conspiring with this-this imposter! Together they took the princess and hid her in the Royal Mine so- so she could take her place, marry King Phoenix and take over the kingdom!" Phoenix raised an eyebrow, "And what proof do you have of this ridiculous story?"

Von Karma frowned, "Once I discovered this treachery, I tried to rescue the princess but it was too late. They sabotaged the Mine, collapsing it. I'm afraid this is all my workers found in the rubble." He pulled a ring he took from (Y/n) out of his pocket. The queen put a hand over her mouth, "No! It cannot be!" Von Karma nodded, "Check her shoulder! There's no royal birthmark. I assure you." The queen reached for the shoulder of the dress. Iris was nervous, until she remembered what she did. The queen pushed it down to reveal...the royal birthmark! The queen spoke, "This is my daughter, Von Karma. She has the royal birthmark."

Von Karma bowed, a frown on his face, "I apologize for the accusations your highness. I had stumbled upon the ring and thought..." The queen shook her head, "Leave my sight, Von Karma." Von Karma turned and left with more questions popping up in his mind. He had to have the real princess, but then, how did the fake in the throne room have the royal birthmark? He'd have to think.

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