Free Pt. 4

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With (Y/n)...

I was back in my room, studying. I was looking at different types of metals with a magnifying glass. Miles had left an hour ago to attend to his other duties. I smiled at the thought of him. I put the magnifying glass down and wrote something in my journal before closing it. My eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep at my desk. I awoke sometime later to the sound of crying? I stood up and opened the bedroom door before stepping out and walking down the hallway. The sound closer as I walked downstairs.

I turned the corner, only to be greeted by a burlap sack and a strike to the head that rendered me unconscious.

The Next Day...No One's Pov

The next day, (Y/n)'s mother, the queen, went to wake her, only to find the bedroom empty. At first, she though her daughter may have been in the library again, so she consulted Miles, who told her that the princess had not come to the library at all. So, the queen, Miles, and Von Karma made their way to the princess's room to start their search. While no one was looking, Von Karma slipped an envelope with a letter inside on to the desk. He gasped in fake shock, pointing out the letter, "Your majesty, look! A letter."

The queen nodded to Von Karma, who opened the letter and gave them a summary, "The princess has ran away. She did this because she did not want to marry King Phoenix." He looked at the queen, "I'm apologize, your majesty." The queen held a hand to her mouth, "We have to find her!" Von Karma smirked inside. This was too easy. He nodded, "I will set up a search party straight away." Miles approached Von Karma and picked up the letter. He smelled the parchment.

He shook his head and muttered to himself, "Lilac? She never scented her stationary with lilac. It was always rose..." Then, he decided, he needed help. The next day, he headed to Madame Fey's Dress Emporium. He stopped the carriage and went inside. Madame Fey greeted him, "Welcome, sir. Are you looking for a gown for a special lady? I can assure you, you will find only the finest at Madame Fey's." He shook his head, "If I may, I would like to speak to one of your seamstresses, Miss Iris." Madame Fey brought Iris out and Miles took her outside to talk. Iris started rambling.

"I don't believe it! The princess sent for me!" Miles tried to speak, "Oh, actually-" Iris kept going, "I'm going to sing at the castle... me!" He tried again, "I came because-" Iris was still rambling, "But, I'm not ready. I-I have to rehearse!" Miles sighed, "If I could just..." Iris tilted her head, " I better change my dress. Ho-ho, what am I talking about? I only have one dress! Wait, isn't that why you're here?" Miles spoke, "I'm sorry, but no. The princess is missing and I need you to help me find her." Iris looked at him, "Me? Well what can I do?"

Miles sighed, "Pretend to be princess (Y/n)." Iris' eyes widened, "Are you out of your mind?" Miles shook his head, "Just listen. I suspect Von Karma, the queen's adviser, has taken the princess off somewhere so the Royal Wedding will be cancelled." Iris frowned, "That's awful." Miles spoke, "If you pretend to be the princess, just for a short while, I can trick Von Karma into revealing where he's hiding her." Iris shook her head, "Pretend to be royalty? I could get thrown in prison, or worse!"

Miles nodded, "As can I but..." Iris sighed, "She's in real trouble, isn't she? A girl like me... Count me in." They got in the carriage and headed back to the castle. Miles lead Iris up the the prince's room. He looked at her, "The likeness is remarkable..." She bit her lip, "Except for the hair." Miles chuckled, "I've thought of that." He picked up a round box, pulling out a wig, "(H/c) in a box." She put the wig on and turned to Miles, "We're missing one tiny detail. I don't know a thing about being a princess."

Miles shook his head, "Leave that to me." He sat her down in the chair in front of the desk, "It's all here in the Princess's Book of Etiquette. Let's begin. No nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering or frittering allowed. Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud." He shut the book. Iris stood up as he walked over to her, "To be a princess is to know which spoon to use. To be a princess is a thousand pairs of shoes. To maintain a regal gait leave the parsley on your plate. And be charming but detached and be amused. To be a princess is to never be confused." This was a lot for Iris.

Miles continued, "Do a plié and never fall! Don't ever stray from protocol. All through the day there's just one way you must behave. Do keep a grip and never crack, stiff upper lip and arch the back. Bend from above and always wear your gloves, and wave." He placed a stack of three books on Iris' head. She tried to balance, but almost failed. Miles walked around her, "Shoulders back and tummy in and pinky out and lift the chin and slowly turn the head from side to side." Iris smiled, "I see now!" He nodded as she balanced the books before he removed them.

"Breathing gently, stepping lightly. Smile brightly, nod politely. Never show a thing you feel inside. Glide! To be a princess is to always look your best. To be a princess is to never get to rest." Iris glided into the closet and came out in a new dress. She looked almost identical to the princess. Miles looked at her, "Sit for a portrait, never squirm. Sleep on a mattress extra firm. Speak and be clever, never at a loss for words. Curtsy to every count and lord. Learn how to play the harpsichord. Sing lullabies and always harmonize in thirds."

Miles looked towards a portrait of
(Y/n), "And... she has beautiful eyes your spirits rise when she walks in the room." Iris smiled, "I see." Miles continued, "Doors close and the chemistry grows. She's like a rose that's forever in bloom." His voice cracked and he coughed before speaking again, "Do a plié and don't-" Iris cut in, "Ever ever ever fall." Miles nodded encouragingly, "Never show dismay." Iris cut in again, "And be there when people call." He spoke, "Be prepared whatever royal life will bring. Do keep a grip and don't..."

Iris answered back, "Ever ever ever crack!" Miles looked over at her, "Take a dainty sip-" Iris spun around, "Never ever turn your back." Miles picked up the tiara from the table and placed it on her head, "There's a time and place and way for everything. To be a princess is to never make your bed. To be a princess is to always use your head." Iris did another spin, but ended up falling, "Ahh!"

Soon, Miles lead Iris to the doors of the throne room where they could hear the ambassador and queen speaking. The ambassador spoke, "It is official, then. Due to the disappearance of the princess, the wedding to King Phoenix is cancelled." Miles opened the doors, "Your Highness, wait! May I present, Princess (Y/n)." Iris walked into the room as the queen looked up, "Darling?" The queen smiled, "(Y/n)? Oh-ho, you're back! Where have you been?" Iris spoke, "I am sorry. I should not have run away." The queen looked at her, "Promise me you'll never do it again." The ambassador spoke up, "I still think we should cancel the wedding." King Phoenix, who stood next to the ambassador, disguised as a messenger, coughed.

The ambassador sighed, "Yes, yes, but an agreement is an agreement. The wedding is back on! King Dominick is due tomorrow!" The queen nodded, "Wonderful!" The queen smiled, then frowned, "And then, only a few short days before the wedding. Has anyone seen my spectacles?" Von Karma frowned, "If you'll excuse me, I must be off to see to the... ack!... arrangements." Miles smirked, "Everything alright, Von Karma?" Von Karma laughed, "It soon will be."

As Von Karma walked off, something fell from the sole of his shoe. Miles bent down and picked it up, "From a silver fir tree. What's Von Karma doing in the Western Forest?" As he turned to leave, the queen called out, "Miles, wait! I want to hear all about how you found (Y/n)!" Miles turned back around, "Ah... ah... of course, Your Majesty..."

(This is where I'm changing some things in the story a bit.)

Your Pov

I awoke in a dusty room. By the looks of it, I appeared to be in a cabin. It was also dark outside. Two people were apparently playing cards in the other room by the way they were talking.

"Hey! I happen to know you've got a 5 of hearts."

"What do you mean you know?"

"I saw it!"

"You mean you cheated!"

"Yeah. I mean, no!"

The windows in the room were all boarded up, so there was no escape there. Some time had passed before I heard the sound of hooves outside. Through a crack in the boards, I could see someone on a horse. I moved away from the window, trying to think of a way to escape. There was a knock on the front door. Then, I heard something slide and voices, "Come in, boss." "I assume the princess is in there?" I recognized the voice.

Von Karma.

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