My Mate (Wolf Pack) (Edgeworth x Reader)

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Author's Note: All characters in this chapter, including the reader, are wolf shifters. They can change from human form to wolf form and back again. This does include using a scent as a way of identifying your mate. The packs will be split in ways of prosecutors and defense attorneys/detectives.

Your Pov:

I was running through the trees in my wolf form. In this form I had (h/c) fur and (e/c) eyes. I was doing one of my many pack jobs and watching the border that cut our land from the prosecutor land. We didn't have specific names for our packs, so we just called them the prosecutor pack.

My pack consists of:

Phoenix (Alpha)
Apollo/Trucy (Beta male)(Beta Female) (Not mates!)
Maya/Pearls (Gamma Females)
Maggey/Gumshoe (Delta Male) (Delta Female) (Mates)
Ema (Theta Female)
Kristoph (Zeta)

A/n: Gammas are the wisest in the pack. They tell stories to pass their wisdom. They are highly respected. Deltas are the messengers between packs. Thetas are the lead medic of the pack. Zetas are the war generals of the pack. They take direct orders from the alpha during times of war.

Then there's me. The lowest of the low. The omega. While everyone in the pack's been kind to me, they always push their extra jobs on to me. Today, Gumshoe was supposed to be on border watch, but dumped it on me. I just don't say anything because I don't want to cause trouble.

The prosecutor pack consists of:

Edgeworth (Alpha)
Klavier and Franziska (Betas)
Jake Marshall (Gamma)
Iris and Dahlia (Delta Females)
Dr. Grey (Theta)
Lana (Zeta)
Winston Payne (Omega)

Today, the two packs were supposed to meet to discuss important matters. Phoenix and Edgeworth do not have mates, so right now, they are unable to have pups. It's partially our responsibility to have pups as well, but there is a lot of disagreement. Ema hasn't found her mate, but refuses to have pups. Maya and Pearls can only mate with those of a higher bloodline, and they haven't found their mates either.

Maggey and Gumshoe are unable to have pups, so they're out. Trucy is too young and doesn't have a mate yet. Apollo hasn't found his mate yet, but already decided against pups. The only two left were Kristoph and I. I tried to back out, but Phoenix used his dominance as alpha to make me accept to the agreement. He came up with a plan. If I didn't find my mate by the next full moon (1 week from now), I would have to accept Kristoph and mate with him.

I shook myself out of my thoughts when Maggey came out of the trees, "(Y/n)? Where are you?" I hurried behind a tree and shifted back, changing into some new clothes, "I'm right here." I walked out to greet her, "Something the matter?" She started dragging me back to the pack house we had, "The pack meeting is today, remember? We all have to be there."

Everyone was filtering into the house when we arrived. I took a seat in the very back while Maggey went up to the front with Gumshoe. Phoenix stood at the front with Apollo and Trucy standing to his right. Everyone went silent as the other pack entered. Suddenly, a scent like never before invaded my senses. The scent was a mix of ink, cologne, and vanilla.

I watched as they all entered. Their omega, Winston Payne, took a seat at the back. The theta and zeta sat in the second row. The two messengers, Dahlia and Iris, sat in the first row with some papers and pens. Klavier and Franziska stood to Edgeworth's left. Phoenix spoke, "Alpha Edgeworth, you are aware of your purpose here correct?" He nodded, "Of course. I am ready when you are."

Phoenix turned to the rest of us, "As you all know, it is time for new pups to be born. However, without a mate, I am unable to carry on the alpha line. The same goes for Alpha Edgeworth's pack. I have found my two substitutes." He looked at Edgeworth, "Have you?" He nodded, "Yes." Phoenix looked back, "Will Zeta Gavin and Omega (L/n) please come to the front?" I stood shakily and made my way to the front. Kristoph made his way to the front as well.

Phoenix spoke again, "These two will birth the next generation of pups for this pack if they do not find their mates before the next full moon." Edgeworth then called his substitutes, "Delta Hawthorne and Gamma Marshall, up here please." Edgeworth gave the same explanation. Soon, the meeting was let out and before I could leave, Phoenix called me. I knew what was going to happen. I knew that Edgeworth was my mate, but omegas and alphas were not meant to mix.

I approached him, "Yes, sir?" He gestured to Edgeworth on the other side of the room, "Alpha Edgeworth wishes to speak with you." I nodded and Phoenix left, closing the door behind him. I went to Edgeworth, "You asked to see me, Alpha Edgeworth?" He turned to me, "Yes. You have figured out that we are mates, yes?" I nodded, "Yes, but Alphas and Omegas..." He continued, "Don't mix. I'm sure you're a good person, but it's for the best." I nodded, " it..." He took a deep breath.

"I, Miles Edgeworth, reject you, (Y/n) (L/n), as my mate." I felt a dull pain in my heart, "I...accept your rejection." He walked out and I went to the room I had, trying to get there without crying. Once I got there, I locked the door and cried on my bed. My fate was sealed. If I wasn't an omega...I would be with my mate right now. We would be celebrating with everyone congratulating us. Life has a sick sense of humor though.

Now, I'm stuck with Kristoph until the day I die. I am going to have his pups and they are going to be raised to be alphas and baze everything that I wished I could be.

For days, I stayed in my room. I barely ate and never really slept. A week passed and it came time for the ceremony. The ceremony was like a wedding but not as strict. It was a way of pronouncing that two people were now mates for life. Maya and Pearls helped me get ready. I was wearing a nice dress with some heels. I did light make up and put my hair in a bun.

Then, we walked to the pack house. I was on the verge of tears as we got closer. I stood outside the door and waited for my cue. Both packs were here, including Edgeworth. I heard the cue and walked in. I hurried to where Kristoph and Phoenix were standing. Phoenix began, "Today, these two will be conjoined as mates for life. They will also birth the new generation of alphas. If anyone has a reason as to why this ceremony should be invalidated, object now or hold your case." No one spoke.

Phoenix continued, "Kristoph, (Y/n), please grasp each others hands. You will now kiss to seal your bond to each other." I closed my eyes and felt Kristoph's lips on mine. He pulled away and I opened my eyes. Phoenix turned to the pack, "This couple is now bonded for life. Since they are to bear the new alphas, treat them with the utmost respect." Everyone filed out and Phoenix looked at us, "I expect to hear good news in the coming months." I sighed, "Of course."

The first night with Kristoph was spent mating. To me, this wasn't making love. I laid there motionlessly while he did what he wanted. Once he finished, he went to sleep. The second night was just the same. Both nights, I silently cried myself to sleep.

Within the month, I was pregnant. Last I heard, Delta Hawthorne was too. I saw Edgeworth many times after I found out I was pregnant. Even though I accepted his rejection, I still felt something for him. I wished that it was his pups I was carrying instead of Kristoph's. I wished I was bonded to him instead of Kristoph.

I think after I have these pups, I'm going to disappear for a while. Go somewhere far away and clear my head. I need to.

8 months later, I gave birth to twins. As soon as everyone was gone from the medical room. I left. I quickly changed and grabbed my bags I had packed previously. I left nothing behind. I took everything with me. I booked a flight to Germany and flew the same day.

My life became a meaningless cacophony of noise after I let Edgeworth reject me. I regret having pups with Kristoph. I regret a lot of things right now. Life is a game of chance. It can deal you something so horrible or something so wonderful.

Take my advice.

Don't let your happy ending slip away from you. Chase it down and hold on to it.

But, so much for my happy ending...

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