Cold Horizon (Damon Gant x Reader)

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Cold Horizon (Damon Gant x Reader

A/N: In this chapter, a certain character's life is going to be changed slightly to fit in the story. And Damon is way younger in this one. That is all.

Your Pov:

I laid in the bed, sweat pouring down my forehead. The midwife stood at the end of the bed, "You're almost done, miss. Just a few more times. Push!" I cried out as I pushed more. I had no pain medication, so the pain racked my body. I gave one more push. Then, the cry of a baby filled the room. The midwife wrapped my baby in a blanket, "It's a girl!" Then, she gasped quietly, "T-The baby..."

I scrambled out of the bed with shaky legs and gently grabbed my baby girl out of the midwife's arms, "I don't see anything wrong with her." The midwife spoke, "She is quite small. The blanket makes her look bigger." I unraveled the blanket to see my daughter's small body. I rewrapped the blanket, "She is still my daughter." The sound of foot steps echoed in the hallway before the door opened. Damon came inside the room.

He spoke, "How is the baby?" I smiled, "She's doing fine." He looked at her, before recoiling, "She is a runt. She is not my child." My eyes widened, "She's my child!" He growled, "Leave then. You're lucky I don't kick you out myself." With nothing but my sweat covered nightgown and the baby's blanket, I was put out in the cold.

(You lived far from the city)

It was snowing. I held the still un-named baby against my chest, "I love you, little one. You're perfect in my eyes." I walked through the snow, my body freezing as I clutched my child to my chest. 30 minutes into the journey, she started to wail. I hushed her, singing a soft lullaby with my sore vocal cords. She fell asleep.

Eventually, I found an abandoned house at the edge of the tree line. I quickly went inside. There was nothing besides an empty fireplace and empty cans. I sat in a rickety chair, sighing. My little girl stirred, fussing slightly. I smiled at her.

"Hungry, little one?" I lowered one side of my nightgown and let her eat. After a few minutes, she pulled away and I burped her before she fell asleep again. I looked at her, "What will I call you, little one? Ah, I know."

"I'll name you Athena."

I managed to start a small fire in the fire place. I looked out the window to see if I could spot the city, but the snow storm obstructed my view of everything. I carried Athena to the wall next to the fire place and sat against the wall. I faced towards the fireplace to keep Athena warm.

Soon, I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to the burnt out fire place and Athena's cries. I let her eat again as I looked out the window. The snow has slowed and I could slightly see the city's lights in the distance. However, the temperature was too cold to take Athena into again. I couldn't risk it. I put together a makeshift crib and placed Athena in it. I was going to find help in the city and bring them to the house. I kissed Athena's forehead and headed towards the door.

"Mother loves you Athena."

I stepped out into the cold, hearing Athena coo as I shut the door. I walked for hours until I made it to the city. But it was all for nothing. No one would help me. I dug through the garbage, finding an old blanket and onesie. I turned, draping the blanket over my shoulders and leaving the city. I walked for another few hours before I got close to the house.

That's when I heard the sound of a car engine. Some one had found the house and...


My mind raced as I rushed to the house. Athena was in there. Whoever it was could take her so easily! Just as I got to the house, I saw a woman in a lab coat and Japanese style dress get into a car, holding my Athena. I lunged forward as the door closed, "No! Wait!" Then, the car drove off. I bowed my head as I sat still as a statue in the cold, icy snow.

"Whoever you are, please take care of my little Athena."

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