Playing Games (Apollo x Player! reader)

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Playing Games (Apollo x Player! reader)

No One's Pov:

Apollo had just gotten off work and headed to GameStop to pick up a new game he wanted. He walked in and grabbed the game from shelf before heading to the front to pay. That's when he noticed the cute girl working behind the counter. He put the game on the counter and she scanned it before putting it in a bag, "Anything else?" He shook his head,  No thank you." She tilted her head, "You look familiar." He spoke, "Do you watch court proceedings?" She nodded, "Yeah. Wait. Are you Apollo Justice?"

He nodded. After that, they exchanged numbers and he headed home. The girl was cute so he decided to text her as he sat on the couch.

AP: Hey, it's Apollo. Do you maybe, want to get dinner sometime?

(Y/n): Sure. When?

AP: How about tomorrow at 5:00?

(Y/n): Sure. See you then.

After that, Apollo headed to bed. He woke up early the next day, did his vocal exercises, and headed to work. Work was slow and he was excited to see (Y/n). Finally, he left work and headed to the restaurant. (Y/n) was waiting outside for him. She smiled at him, "Hey." They headed inside and sat down. She spoke, " you have a girlfriend?" He shook his head, "I'm too busy working to chase girls."

He tilted his head, "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend or?" She nodded, "Yeah." He spoke, "Oh. How long have you been dating?" She smiled, "Oh, we're married actually." He looked at her, "You seem kind of young to be married." She bit her lip, "Yeah, we kind of rushed into it. We got married when we were 19." Apollo nodded, "Oh. I see." She smiled, "He loves watching court proceedings. Mostly ones like yours or Phoenix Wright's." Apollo bit his lip.

"Does he know you're out with me right now?" She shook her head, "Nope. He's out of town." Apollo found that a bit strange, but ignored it. He spoke, "Next time we hang out, how about I meet him?" She agreed. So about 2 weeks later, he went to her apartment and met her husband,
(h/n). They hung out a lot that day.

After that, he invited them to lunch a few weeks later. He thought that she would've brought her husband, but she didn't. He spoke, "Where's (h/n)?" She smiled, "He's out of town." She sighed, "Yeah, my husband doesn't really trust me." Apollo tilted his head, "Why not?" She looked down, "I cheated on him." He looked at her in shock, "Uh, you did what? You did WHAT?" She looked at him.

"Yeah, me and my coworker...we just got to know each other really well and then one day after work he walked me to my car and then I just cheated on him." He looked at her, "Did he ever find out?" She nodded, "Yeah. I told him." Apollo spoke, "O-Ok." She continued, "That was the first time I cheated on him." Apollo looked at her in confusion, "So you cheated on him more than once?" She spoke, "Yeah."

"The second time, you know, it was just when they hired another guy at work and then I just...we were talking and I got to know him better..." Apollo questioned her, "Did he find out about that guy?" She nodded, "Yeah. I told him about that one and then I cheated on him again." She sighed, "It's just these new hires...I can't stop." Apollo looked at her, "You cheated on your husband three times and he hasn't divorced you?" She shrugged, "He thinks that if he divorces me that I'm going to go out here and just hook up with a bunch of guys."

Apollo tilted his head, "Uh...what does he think you're doing right now? Are these guys not scared your husband's going to show up at work one day and mess them all up?" She shrugged, "I don't know." They finished up at the restaurant and Apollo walked her back to her apartment. She invited him in and he accepted it. They played some video games and talked for a bit.

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