When You're On Your Period

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Phoenix is the most unprepared when it comes to your cycle. He'll only figure it out by the time you're yelling and throwing things at him. He considers it a gift when he gets to sit in a trial all day while you're turning into Dahlia #2.

One time, you sent him to buy pads/tampons, and he came back with the wrong kind. You had even sent him a picture of the box. Let's just say, you were so mad that it was like Dahlia burning those butterflies 10x worse.


Living with Franziska made him slightly less insensitive to women's problems, but not by much. During your cycle you get eerily quiet. It gets to the point where you can scare him just by walking around a corner. He buys pads/tampons for you but gets super embarrassed in doing so. Because of how quiet you get, people at the prosecutor's office flat out avoid you when you go to see Edgeworth. Even Gumshoe.

Surprisingly, he gets very concerned with how quiet you get. Once it ends, he gets quiet and you try to get him to talk. It's weird.


Somebody get this boy a biology textbook! He didn't even know what a period was when you told him about. You had told him because you ended up bleeding through onto his sheets and he thought you were internally bleeding and going to die. He was red in the face afterwards.

You get really clingy and Apollo doesn't know what to do about it. You want to be with him everywhere he goes. He tries to leave when you're sleeping and it works most of the time. When you're alone, you send him almost a dozen texts.

He tries to remember the date so that he can help you stock up on the stuff that you need. He'll buy pads/tampons for you, but you'd best believe that he'd text you at least fifty times asking if he got the right ones. He's really good about cuddling and making you comfortable.


He knows it's about time when you get angry with him over little things. One day, he had politely asked you to make him something to eat. He had fallen asleep and when he woke up, he asked if you had finished cooking. You snapped at him, saying, "Go back to sleep, and starve."

For that entire week, he cooked his own meals and tried to avoid saying something wrong. You could go from being angry with him, to sitting on the couch, crying into a tub of ice cream. Cuddling was a big no from you, but he could put together the best bubble baths. Candles, scented bubble soap, rose petals, you name it.

You also prefer to sleep in one of the guest rooms during your cycle because you're afraid of bleeding onto his sheets. He misses you at night but lets you do as you please.

When he buys you pads/tampons, he buys you the best and most expensive kind the store has. He also buys you German imported chocolate weeks beforehand.


He flat out ignores you when that time comes around. He'll make sure you're stocked up on everything you need and then he'll act like you don't exist. This, of course, gets the water works flowing and he feels bad when you start crying.

He calms you down by letting you cuddle with his dog, Vongole. You eventually fall asleep and he always makes sure that you have a towel under you because his furniture is white.

He also buys you the pain killers that are strong enough to make you go to sleep. He tries to keep you asleep for as long as possible. Get help now.


Anything you need? Got it! He is there for you. Chocolate? Check! Pain killers? Check! Pads/tampons? Check!

On the days he's at work, he'll leave everything you need right next to you. He will call you when he's not busy and let you rant about the character that just died on your favorite show.

If you need a bath, he'll make it for you. He'll even rub your shoulders while you relax. Where can I get one?

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