Did You Intend This? (Maya's Sister! Reader x Phoenix)

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Your Pov:

I sat in my room, waiting for training to end. Ever since aunt Morgan was incarcerated, the village elders had to take over training the other mediums. My sister Maya was staying down in the city with Phoenix. I met Phoenix after Mia was murdered. I fell in love with him, but kept it to myself when Maya told me she was going to stay with him for a while. The elders put more pressure on me to train because Maya wasn't here. They did the same with Pearls. She switched between staying here and staying in the city with Maya. I was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

Pearls came in, "Mystic (Y/n), you have another letter! It's from Mr. Nick!" I smiled and grabbed the letter from her, "Thamk you for bring this, pearls." She nodded and left. I took my letter cutter and opened it. It read:
My dearest, (Y/n), "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day." I trust you'll understand the reference to another Scottish tragedy without me having to name the play.

They think I'm Macbeth, and ambition is my folly. I'm a polymath. A pain in the ass. A massive pain. Gumshoe is Banquo, Edgeworth's Macduff, and Birnam Wood is the court on its way to Dunsinane.

And there you are, a city away. Do you have to live a city away? Thoughts of you subside, then I get another letter and I cannot put the notion away…
I blushed a bit and pulled out a blank piece of paper. As I re-read the letter, I noticed something off about the greeting. That's when I realized it. He put a comma after dearest! I started writing and thought about the trip Maya wanted me to go on with her, Phoenix, and Pearls.
My dearest Phoenix, you must get through to Edgeworth. Sit down with him and compromise. Don't stop 'til you agree. Your fav'rite older Fey sister, (Y/n), reminds you there's someone in your corner all the way across the state.

In a letter I received from you two weeks ago, I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. It changed the meaning. Did you intend this? One stroke and you've consumed my waking days It says: "My dearest (Y/n)"
With a comma after "dearest". You've written "My dearest, (Y/n)."

Anyway, all this to say I'm coming down this summer at my sister's invitation. I'll be there with you three if you make your way upstate. I know you're very busy. I know your work's important, but I'm crossing the state and I just can't wait!
A couple of days after that, I caught a train down to the city. Maya and Pearls were already waiting for me at the office. I entered the office and Maya laughed happily before hugging me, "(Y/n)!" I hugged her back, Maya!" Phoenix came from the other room, smiling, "The Fey sisters..." I turned to him, "Phoenix!" He waved, "Hi." I smiled, "It's good to see your face."

Maya grabbed my arm, "(Y/n), tell this man Winston Payne spends the summer with his family!" Phoenix shook his head, "(Y/n), tell Maya Winston Payne doesn't have a real job anyways." I frowned, "You're not joining us? Wait-" He cut me off, "I'm afraid I cannot join you upstate." My eyes widened, "Phoenix, I came all this way." Maya nodded, "She came all this way." Maya and I grabbed his arms, "Take a break!" He pulled away from us, "You know I have to get this case through court."

We shook our heads, "Run away with us for the summer. Let's go upstate!" He sighed, "I lose my job we don't get this case through the court." We looked at him, "We can all go stay at the village." After trying to convince him for a while we gave up after uttering out a feeble, "Take a break." He grabbed a folder off the table and started walking away, "I have to get this case through the court. I can't stop until I get this case through the court..." We sighed and grabbed our bags before leaving the office and heading back to the village.

As we walked down the sidewalk, I noticed a woman in a small pink and white pan suit enter the office.

Was she the client for the case?

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