Tomato Red (Apollo x Reader)

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Tomato Red (Apollo x Reader)

Your Pov:

I sat at a table in the office playing cards with Apollo. We had made some bets and were currently tied on wins. This was our third and last game. I had three kings and two aces as my hand. I spoke, "3, 2, 1...draw!" We placed our cards down and Apollo spoke, "Damn! I lost!" I smiled, "I told you that you couldn't beat me! So you have to hold up your side of the bet." He spoke, "(Y/n), I think we should get back to work." I acted like I didn't hear him, "What was that?"

He groaned, "Mami, I think we should get back to work." I giggled, "Ok. I heard you that time." After that, we got back to sorting files into their respective cabinets. Trucy got back from school about an hour later. She sat on the couch talking to us about all sorts of things. Then, Apollo spoke, his face red from blushing, "Can you pass me the files for G. E. 6...mami?" Trucy burst into laughter as a smile made it's way onto my face. Trucy spoke, "Since when does he call you that,
(Y/n)?" I laughed, "Since he lost a bet Trucy. The bet's good for a week."

After that, Trucy left for one of her magic shows. I turned to Apollo, "You're in for a long week. We have to review a case with Mr. Wright and then we have to take Trucy to that concert, remember?" He groaned and laid his head on the desk.

Time Skip To Case Review Day...

Apollo and I walked into the office with the case files under our arms. We sat at the table and waited for Mr. Wright to come out of his private office. I turned to Apollo, "Did you grab the evidence bag? You forgot it last time." He nodded, "Yes-" He started to say my name but cut himself off, "Mami." Just as he said it, Mr. Wright came out of his office. Mr. Wright chuckled and shook his head, "Keep that behind closed doors you two. Now, lets get started."

The review took forever and it was super embarrassing for Apollo since he had to address me several times during it. Apollo was as red as his suit by the end of it. I explained the bet to Mr. Wright and he just smiled and shook his head at Apollo. After that, Apollo and I shuffled out of the office. I laughed as we walked down the sidewalk, "You're too cute, Apollo." He blushed more, "I-I'm not cute!"

The rest of the day was filled with more of the same thing. He would address me as 'mami' and I would giggle at his embarrassment. I was liking this bet a lot.

Time Skip To Day Of Concert...

Apollo and I sat in the car with Trucy in the back seat. She was dressed head to toe in band merch. Apollo was out of his suit for once. He had decided to wear a pair of blue jeans, red converse, a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and his bracelet on one arm with some wrist bands on the other. I on the other hand wore some jean shorts with a band shirt from the band we were going to see along with black converse. After 30 minutes, we arrived at the concert venue.

We got out and headed in, taking our seats as we waited for the concert to start. I had noticed a guy staring at me from 4 seats behind where I was sitting. I shrugged it off and decided the guy probably wasn't staring at me. The concert started and Trucy and I screamed out song lyrics together while Apollo tried to look like he wasn't with us. Then, this girl took a seat next to him and started flirting. I watched her try and flirt with an uncomfortable looking Apollo.

The concert went on intermission so luckily, I could talk normally. I walked to Apollo's side and pushed the chick's arm and hands off of him, "I would appreciate it if you didn't touch my boyfriend with your dirty, nasty, std covered hands, ok? Ok." The girl looked at me, "He's your boyfriend? That's the funniest thing I've heard today." I gripped Apollo's arm, "You're my boyfriend, isn't that right, baby?"

Apollo blushed, "Y-Yes, m-mami..." The girl scoffed and walked away. I smirked. After that, I found Trucy and brought her back to our seats. However, when I got back, the guy that stared at me earlier was in Apollo's spot. I tilted my head, "Can I help you?" He smiled, "Actually, you can. Can I get your number and maybe a da-" He was cut off by a familiar voice behind me. It was Apollo, "She has a boyfriend. Isn't that right, mami?" I blushed, "Y-Yes. T-That's true." The guy frowned and walked away. I turned to Apollo.

"Jealous?" He blushed, "Maybe." After that, we finished up with the concert and dropped Trucy off at the office where Mr. Wright was waiting. After that, we headed home. After today, the week was up and the bet would be over, but I was happy with the results. I got to see my cute boyfriend both embarrassed and jealous.

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